Funk 1-15
undefined, object
copy deck
- anthropoid
- man-like
- monos
- one
- numismatist
- coin-collector
- theology
- study of god and religion
- lethargy
- state of apathy or indifference
- asthetic
- appreciating or loving the beautiful, artistic
- misanthropy
- hatred of mankind
- vegetate
- To engage in relaxing or passive activities, such as watching television
- mulct
- To acquire by trickery or deception
- anomaly
- something that is irregular or inconsistent
- indefatigable
- not exhausted by labor or exercise; never tiring
- supercilious
- lofty with pride, haughtily contemptuous
- misogamy
- hatred of marriage
- atheism
- philosophy of an atheist
- fatalist
- one who believes everything is predetermined
- bilateral
- two sides
- satiated
- filled beyond natural desire, glutted
- embryology
- study of the beginnings of life
- misogynist
- hater of women
- patronize
- be condescending toward
- effete
- Depleted of vitality, force, or effectiveness; exhausted:
- fiasco
- miserable and ridiculous failure
- epicureanism
- philosophy of an epicurean
- judas
- a traitor
- theos
- god
- benevolent
- desire for the welfare of others, charitableness
- ornithology
- the study of birds
- ennui
- feeling of listless weariness resulting from satiety, boredom, or inactivity
- liberalism
- philosophy of a liberal
- hate
- hate
- circe
- takes pleasure in destroying men
- ophthalmologist
- treats troubles and diseases of the eyes
- banal
- commonplace, without sparkle or originality
- entomology
- study of insects
- virago
- loudmouthed, turbulent, nag
- paranoiac
- one with delusions of persecutions
- biped
- two-legged
- somnambulist
- one who sleepwalks
- malinger
- to feign sickness to shirk work or duty
- conservatism
- philosophy of a conservative
- atheist
- one who doesn't believe in a god
- virtuoso
- one who has reached the greates heighs of skill and competence in one of the fine arts
- penry
- abject poverty
- philanthropy
- love of mankind
- agnostic
- one who is skeptical of the existence of a god
- egoism
- philosophy of an egoist
- vapid
- utterly lacking in sparkle, flavor, or interest; empty or flat
- gynecologist
- specializes in diseases that are peculiar to women
- ostracize
- To exclude from a group
- sycophant
- one who uses insincere flattery and pretended servility
- monomaniac
- one who is unbalanced in just one area
- psychology
- study of the human mind and human behavors
- martinet
- one who is insistent on blind discipline and form and etiquette
- sublimate
- To divert the energy associated with (an unacceptable impulse or drive) into a personally and socially acceptable activity
- pompous
- marked by assumed self-importance, pretentious
- procrastinate
- To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness
- importune
- To beset with insistent or repeated requests; entreat pressingly
- monastery
- place where people live alone
- philology
- study of language
- dipsomaniac
- one with an uncontrollable urge to drink
- bigamy
- illegal involvement by one person in two or more concurrent marriages
- recuperate
- get better
- pander
- To cater to the lower tastes and desires of others or exploit their weaknesses
- opinionated
- undully attached to one's own opinions; obstinate in holding on to beliefs
- archaelogy
- sutdy of antiquities
- fatalism
- philosophy of a fatalist
- osteopath
- worths on the theory that disease arises chiefly from the displacement of bones, with resultant pressure on nerve centers and blood vessels
- anthropology
- study of mankind
- peccadillo
- a slight sin
- optician
- technician who grinds lenses to make a prescription or sells optical instruments
- monopoly
- control by one person
- polygon
- many sided
- wanton
- Immoral or unchaste; lewd
- manic-depressive
- one with alternating moods of black depression and wild, uncontrollable exaltation or excitability
- altruism
- philosophy of an altruist
- futilitarian
- pessimist and cync who sees no particular point to anything in life
- biology
- study of life
- plagerize
- approriate and claim as one's own the literary work of another
- enervated
- deprived of physical, nervous, and emotional energy
- polys
- many
- amazon
- tall, masculine woman
- penalize
- make pay a fine or suffer punshiment
- philology
- study of language
- tyro
- beginner in some profession, occupation, or art
- acrophobia
- one who is afraid of heights
- pediatrician
- specialized in the treatment of infants and children
- bicuspid
- tooth with two prongs
- altruist
- one with an unselfish regard for and devotion to the interests and needs of others
- demagogue
- one who appeals to the prejudices and hatreds of the populations to further his political ambirtions
- ethnology
- study of races
- megalomaniac
- one continually obsessed by delusions of grandeur
- philatelist
- stamp lover
- adonis
- handsome man
- connoisseur
- critical judge of excellence in the arts, food, drink, woman, etc.
- phlegmatic
- not easily perturbed, calm, emotionally sluggish or unresponsive
- punctillious
- very exact or scrupulous in the observance of forms of etiquette, ceremony, or behavior
- taciturn
- habitually silent or unwilling to engage in conversation
- rusticate
- To go to or live in the country.
- glotta
- tongue
- chicanery
- mean, petty trickery
- stoic
- One who is seemingly indifferent to or unaffected by joy, grief, pleasure, or pain
- weltschmerz
- sadness from a gloomy world philosophy
- maudlin
- Effusively or tearfully sentimental
- gullible
- simple, credulous, easily decieved
- orthodontist
- straightening teeth
- stoicism
- philosophy of a stoic
- agnosticism
- philosophy of an agnostic
- dermatologist
- specializes in diseases of the skin
- gesticulate
- make gestures or motions to convey meanings
- schizophrenic
- one who has lost contact with his environment and lives in an unreal world of his own making, often imagines he is someone else
- polytheism
- many gods
- iconoclastic
- one who assails or mocks traditional or cherished beliefs
- chauvinist
- one who practices militant devotion to and glorification of one's country, gender, race, or kind
- polygamy
- a man has more than one wife
- ascetic
- A person who renounces material comforts and leads a life of austere self-discipline
- conservative
- one who is opposed to change in government
- gourmet
- one who is knowledgeable and fastidious about eating and drinking
- braggadocio
- empty boasting
- agoraphobia
- one who is afraid of open spaces
- monotheism
- belief in a single, supreme deity
- obsequious
- Full of or exhibiting servile compliance; fawning
- pedant
- one who makes unnecessary shows of his learning, especially by correcting petty errors
- etymology
- study of the history and origin of words
- tricuspid
- three pronged tooth
- psychiatrist
- medical specialist in mental ailments
- egoist
- one who is indifferent to the needs, feelings, or wishes of others and base their actions on person gain
- vicarious
- Felt or undergone as if one were taking part in the experience or feelings of another
- parvenu
- one who flaunts, somewhat vulgarly, newl attained wealth
- idiosyncrasy
- a characteristic peculiarity
- expiate
- To make amends or reparation for; atone
- loquacious
- talks incessantly
- complacent
- completely self-satified, smug
- emulate
- follow the example of
- geology
- study of earth,rocks
- melancholic
- one who has fallen into a fixed condition of despondency
- monogamy
- one-to-one system of marriage
- anthropos
- man
- cuspis
- point
- vindictive
- disposed to revenge, retaliatory
- facilitate
- make easier
- dominate
- To enjoy a commanding, controlling position
- panacea
- a cure for all ills
- gregarious
- Seeking and enjoying the company of others; sociable.
- deprecate
- To express disapproval of; deplore
- jingoism
- philosophy of a jingoist
- optometrist
- checks and corrects vision
- elite
- the best or most capable part of any group
- liberal
- one who prefers a changing, dynamic, experimenting government
- nostalgia
- severe homesickness, longing for the pleasant past
- erudite
- very learned, scholarly
- jingoist
- one who favors extreme nationalism characterized especially by a belligerent foreign policy
- bis
- two
- megalomania
- delusions of one's own importance
- clairvoyant
- one who can see into the future
- antipathy
- instintive feeling of aversion or dislike
- suave
- smooth and pleasant in manner; bland; gracious; smoothly ingratiating
- vulgarian
- one who has vulgar tastes and manners
- puerile
- juvenile, immature and silly or trivial
- esthete
- one who is very responsive to whatever is beautiful
- podiatrist
- treats the minor ailments of feet
- obstetrician
- provides care for pregnant women, delivers babies, gives post-natal attention to mothers
- dramatize
- make vivid or moving
- impute
- to attribute the fault or responsibility
- coquette
- a flirt
- bicycle
- vehicle of two wheels
- epicurean
- one who believes that pleasure is the chief good
- gamos
- marriage
- monocle
- one lens
- polyglot
- one who speaks many languages
- chauvinism
- philosophy of a chauvinist
- rationalize
- To devise self-satisfying but incorrect reasons for (one's behavior):
- monologue
- one person speech
- imbroglio
- a complicated and embarrassing situation
- scintillate
- To be animated and brilliant
- monarchy
- one ruler
- compunction
- self-reproach for wrongdoing, slight regret
- immortalize
- make live forever
- frustration
- failure or inability to attain something desired