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Without this you cannot function efficiently. Most people need 6 to 8 hours to function well.
Listening skill, voice, speech, manner of speaking, and conversational skills
This ensure the proper functioning of organs such as the heart and lungs, strengthens muscles and bones, and improves circulation.
Psychology of getting along well with others
Human Relations
This will help you return to work feeling refreshed and eager to attend to your duties
Self esteem, confidence in your profession, and respect you show others
Professional Attitude
This affects your health, appearance, personality, and performance on the job.
The study of standards of conduct and moral judgement
Your daily maintenance of cleanliness and healthfulness.
Personal Hygiene
Guidelines to follow to maintain a healthy body and mind
Rest, Exercise, Relaxation, Nutrition, Personal Hygiene, & Personal Grooming
Your outward appearance (clothing, jewelry, etc.)
Personal Grooming
What kind of shoes are best?
Low, broad heels
Improves personal appearance, prevents fatigue, and other physical problems
Good Posture
Outward reflection of your inner feelings, thoughts, attitudes, and values

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