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- Without this you cannot function efficiently. Most people need 6 to 8 hours to function well.
- Rest
- Listening skill, voice, speech, manner of speaking, and conversational skills
- Communication
- This ensure the proper functioning of organs such as the heart and lungs, strengthens muscles and bones, and improves circulation.
- Exercise
- Psychology of getting along well with others
- Human Relations
- This will help you return to work feeling refreshed and eager to attend to your duties
- Relaxation
- Self esteem, confidence in your profession, and respect you show others
- Professional Attitude
- This affects your health, appearance, personality, and performance on the job.
- Nutrition
- The study of standards of conduct and moral judgement
- Ethics
- Your daily maintenance of cleanliness and healthfulness.
- Personal Hygiene
- Guidelines to follow to maintain a healthy body and mind
- Rest, Exercise, Relaxation, Nutrition, Personal Hygiene, & Personal Grooming
- Your outward appearance (clothing, jewelry, etc.)
- Personal Grooming
- What kind of shoes are best?
- Low, broad heels
- Improves personal appearance, prevents fatigue, and other physical problems
- Good Posture
- Outward reflection of your inner feelings, thoughts, attitudes, and values
- Personality