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PSYC 104 - Reading Period Two


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Encoding of information initially takes place in:

a. the short-term memory
b. the sensory memory
c. the long-term memory
d. both the short-term and long-term memory
b. the sensory memory
Sally is depressed and focuses most of her attention on unpleasant experiences while ignoring pleasant ones. Which of the following stages of memory is most directly involved in how she currently focuses her attention?

a. short-term memory
d. sensory memory
Working memory is another term for the:

a. short-term memory
b. long-term memory
c. procedural memory
d. implicit memory
a. short-term memory
In short-term memory, we use a(n) ________ strategy to search for information.

a. mnemonic
b. serial
c. active
d. parallel
b. serial
Which of the following does NOT occur in short-term memory?

a. rehearsal
b. encoding
c. deep processing
d. organization
b. encoding
If Dr. Holmes read you a list of 15 letters and then asked you to immediately repeat the letters back to him, you would most likely be able to repeat how many of the letters?

a. three
b. seven
c. twelve
d. fifteen
b. seven
Your memory of how to brush your teeth is an example of a ________ memory.

a. procedural
b. implicit
c. declarative
d. semantic
a. procedural
Your memory of your first Introductory Psychology lecture is an example of a ________ memory.

a. procedural
b. implicit
c. declarative
d. semantic
c. declarative
Sensory memory is responsible for all of the following tasks EXCEPT:

a. identifying important information
b. transforming incoming sensations into bits of information
c. processing information for long-term storage
d. selective
c. processing information for long-term storage
Recoding many different items into a single meaningful item or group so that more information can be recalled is referred to as:

a. chunking
b. rehearsal
c. spreading activation
d. priming
a. chunking
On a multiple choice exam, you first read the question and then all of the possible answers before selecting a correct response. The type of retrival involved in this situation is best classified as:

a. free recall
b. recognition recall
b. recognition recall
When you learn a new word it is initially classified as a ________ memory, but after using the word for a long time, it becomes a ________ memory.

a. semantic, procedural
b. procedural, declarative
c. declarative, implicit
d. de
d. declarative, semantic
Who discovered that there is a sharp decline in memory in the first hour after learning?

a. Sigmund Freud
b. Herman Ebbinghaus
c. B.F. Skinner
d. Edward Thorndike
b. Herman Ebbinghaus
Suppose in class today I ask you to tell me the first and last name of your second grade teacher, and you can't remember. Next week when you come to class, I ask you the same question and suddenly you are able to tell me the right answer. This memory wou
a. reminiscence
Which of the following is NOT a correct explanation for why forgetting occurs?

a. insufficient cues to the stored information
b. decay
c. disruption of the associative links that ordinarily lead to the memory
d. poor initial pro
b. decay

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