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psych mid-term


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learning behavior
a relatively permanant change in an organism's beahvior due to experince
classical conditional
a type of learning in which an organism comes to associate stimuli.
the view that psychology should be a objective science that studies behavior w/out references to mental processes
unconditional response(UCR)
in the classical conditioning, the unlearned,naturally occuring response
unconditional stimilus(UCS)
a stimulus that unconditionally-naturallyand automatically-triggers a response
conditioned response (CR)
the learned response to a previously nuetral conditioned stimulus
conditional stimulus (CS)
an originally irrelevant stimulus that, after association w/ a uncondition stimulus, comes a triggered condition response
the pahse associating a nuetral stimulous w/a unconditional stimulous so that nuetral stimulous comes to elicht a conditional response.
spontaneous recovery
the reappearance, after arest period, of an extigusted conditioned response.
the tendency, once a response has been conditioned,for stimuli similar tothe conditioned stimulus to elicht similar responses

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