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Child Psychology Chapter 1


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Uses fetoscope to see developing fetus, risk of miscarriage high, used for surgery for hole in heart that can't survive at birth
Larger social settings, cultural values and political processes (diff btw living in US or China)
Environmental Main Effects Model
Nurture is more important, child abuse, biology of child contributes to abuse
Quantitative research
Data can be categorized, ranked or numbered, easily summarized, preffered method of data reporting
Longitudinal Research
Collect data from the same group of individuals as they age, useful in life span studies, participants may withdraw, die, move away, influenced by changing historical context
Characteristics unlike those that came before changing (ex. speaking new language, quitting drug)
Klinefelters Syndrome, XXY
Have genetalia of boys, not diagnosed till puberty (must induce puberty), higher incidence of learning disability, sterile, may have hair, no sperm
Determinants of Sex
Sex before or at ovulation (girl), reduced vaginal acidity (girl)
Research methods
Scientific observation, experimentation, surveys, case studies
Interactional Model
nature + nurture = 100%, If you alter the environment you can alter genetic code, PKU (genetic disorder, if you don't eat protien you won't be affected), Makes specific predictions about the development, Urie Bronfennbrenner, sociohistorical influences
Trisomy 21, Down Syndrome
Moderate mental retardation, short limbs and fingers, second grade education level, males sterile, one of the least devastating
Trisomy 18
Rockerbottom feet, physically retarded, most die in 1st month
Qualitative research
Asks open-ended questions, answers not easily translated into numbers
Ethnic group
Country of origin, culture, religion, language, determines morality, diet, world views
Characteristics that are stable over time
Neighborhood Efficacy
Collective efficacy, strength of bonds in a community and how well people take care of each other
Most common genetic developmental problems
Trisomy 21, trisomy 13, trisomy 18, Fragile x, Klinefelters, XYY Supermales, XXX, XO Turner syndrome (most are sex linked)
Can it solve real life problems
Ability of some children to overcome severe threats to their development
Models of Development
Biological, Environmental, Interactional, Transactional (best)
Biological Main Effects Model
Nature is more important, genetics, down syndrome
Urie Bronfennbrenner
Thought of developmental influences as being concentric circles, developed ecological systems approach
Trisomy 13
Profoundly retarded, most die within 1st month, some live into teen years
Info collected from a large number of people by interview, questionnaire or some other means, must phrase questions without influencing
CVS, Corionic Villi Sampling
Go through womans cervix and scrape off chorion layer, 10 weeks, 1/100 chance of spontanious abortion, anything through cervix can induce labor
Code of Ethics
Ethical standards, imposed by Institutional Review Board, explain purposes and procedures of experiment
Fragile X
Leading cause of mental retardation, part of X chromosome is missing (from mother), retardation not as severe in girls, large prominant ears, large genitalia, large forehead
Super Males, XYY
No physical characteristics, higher incidence of mental retardation, almost all show signs of ADHD, may have it and not know it
Sepecific strategies or methods used to gather and analyze data
Design for living, dynamic because individuals abandon some aspects and shift within social groups
Aging Ova Hypothesis
Best eggs come out first, bad eggs kept, could be that younger women exposed to less teratogens
Needle pierces the abdomen to get into amnion layer that surrounds baby, 1/250 have spontaneous abortion, not done untill 17 weeks, 4 weeks to get results
Tall, thin, blonde women, higher incidence of learning disability, can have children, tend to be speech delayed and have trouble with reading
High frequency sound waves draw picture of baby, first one at 7 weeks to confirm pregnancy, 15 weeks to tell if any genetic defects, can tell sex, risk due to high frequency sound waves hitting baby
Seminal Fluid
Carries on average 300-450 million sperm
Scientific Observation
Observing and recording behavior, unobtrusive, cannot indicate what causes people to do what they do
Occurs in fallopian tubes
Proved continuity(mother-child bond) was more powerful than horrific events, large changes can have minute effects and vice versa
Polygenic inheritance
More than one gene affects a single trait
Widmeyer and Fields
Took two groups of teen moms, gave child Brazelton IQ test, some moms watched test, scored mom baby interaction, looked in group to see best predictor of score vs interaction, found with stronger environments stronger relationship forms, baby creates relationship too
Detection of genetic disorders
Amniocentesis, sonogram, AFP
Genetic councling
Needed if couple has child with genetic disorder, family member has genetic disorder, woman had a history of miscarriages or parents are older
Historical context (cohort = persons born within few years of one another), Socioeconomic context includes advantages and disadvantages (poverty limits access to high quality housing)
Ecological Systems Approach
Examine all the systems that surround the development of each child, micro, macro, exo, chrono, meso
Transactional Model
Multiplicative affect, biological interacts with environmental to equal 100%, Sameroff (grandfather of model), Widmeyer and Fields, reciprocal and bidirectional, takes into account exceptions to the rules, estimates group differences not individual differences, most accurately describes development
Cross Sequential Research
Combines other two, study several groups at different ages over a long time, shows differences in chronological age and historical period
Five Characteristics of Development
Multidirectional (gains and losses, predicted growth and unexpected transformations), Multicontextual (historical, economic), Multicultural(set of values, traditions), Multidisciplinary (numerous academic fields), Plasticity (every individual altered at any point in life)
Biosocial (maturation of brain), cognitive (ability to understand connections between objects) and psychosocial domains (reactions to other's responses)
Scientific Method
Ask a question, develop a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, Draw conclusions, make findings available
Does it apply to other problems
Persons immediate surroundings
Developmental Scientists
Seek to convey both the generalities and the specifics about people
Hurlors Syndrome
Normal looking at first but become troll looking and die by age 5
Normal Ovulation
300-500 times throughout 40-50 years, as you age you begin dropping more eggs each ovulation
Accuracy, does it measure what it is supposed to
Breach of Ethics
Unintentional slanting of data, incomplete reporting, cooking the data
AFP, Alpha Feta Protien
15 weeks, no risk to fetus, test mothers blood, chemical associated with spina bifida (leaking cerebrospinal fluid causes higher levels), low levels associated with down syndrome, many false positives
Local institutions, school and church (diff btw living in small town and big city)
Cross Sectional Research
Most convenient, groups differ in age (share other characteristics) compared, hard to make sure other characteristics are in common
Connections between microsystems: Direct is parents coming to school to check grades, Indirect is displacement when mad at work and take out on kids
Male Sex
More concieved than females but are weaker so more chance of miscarriage, Y chromosome said to travel faster
One variable is more likely to occur when others occur
Science of Human Development
Seeks to understand how and why people change or remain the same: based on scientific method, studies all kinds of people
Turner's Syndrom, XO
Very short, goal is to get over 5ft, extra skin on neck, may have spinal problems, can grow to be normal intelligence, sterile, need hormone therapy to get secondary sex characteristics
SES, Socioeconomic status
Wealth, occupation, neighborhood, child's is based on mother's education level
Case Study
Intensive study of one individual, interview, answers recorded in full and not marked on a checklist (possible to understand individual well, provide starting point for other research, illustrate general truths)
Sociohistorical Influences
Cohort Group, Ethnic group, SES
Concordance rates
Look at if family member has a disorder and what probability the child will have it
Historical conditions
Causes of genetic disorders
Evolutionary Fluke (gene mutation), Older parents (women >35yrs old, men > 40), having a baby with same recessive trait (90% babies normal)
Human traits can be molded into different forms but can maintain a certain durability of identity, encompasses all other four characteristics

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