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Science Vocab

Review of the science vocabulary words for the Mid-term


undefined, object
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representative element
elements in group 1 and 2 and 13-18 in the periodic table that include metals, metalloids, and nonmetals
liquid changes to gas by forming bubbles in the liquid that rise to the surface
element that does not conduct electricity as well as a metal but conducts it better than a nonmetal
physical science
study of matter, which is anything that takes up space and has mass, and the study of energy, which is the ability to cause change
a push or a pull that one object exerts on another
a measure of the average value of the kinetic evergy of the particles in a material
change of matter from a liquid state to a solid state
substance that can make something happen faster but is not changed itself
earth science
the study of Earth's systems and nonliving things
atomic number
the number of protons in the nucleus of a given element
transition element
elements in groups 3-12 in the periodic table, all of which are metals
information gathered during an investigation
change of matter from a solid state to a liquid state
to draw a conclusion based on observation
a liquid's resistance to flow
noble gas
elements in group 18 of the periodic table
polar bond
bond resulting from the unequal sharing of electrons
horizontal row of elements in the periodic table whose properties change gradually and predictably
the change from a liquid to a gas
element that has luster, is malleable, ductile, and a good conductor of heat and electricity
Archimedes' principle
states that the bouyant force on an object is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object
the ability to do work or cause change
mass of an object divided by its volume
life science
study of living systems and how they interact
atom that is no longer neutral because it has gained or lost an electron
element that shares some properties with both metals and nonmetals
systematic way of learning more about the natural world that provides possible explanations to questions and involves using a collection of skills
ionic bond
attraction that holds oppositely charged ions close together
a reasonable guess that can be tested and is based on what is observed
scientific law
a rule that describes a pattern in nature
factor that can be changed in an experiment
change of matter from a liquid to a gas state starting with the top layer of water
matter that does not have a definate shape or volume; has particles that move at high speeds in all directions
the first series of inner transition elements which goes from cerium to lutetium
alkali metal
elements in group 1 of the periodic table
critical thinking
involves using knowledge and thinking skills to evaluate evidence and explanations
variable that is not changed in an experiment
bouyant force
upward force exerted on an object immersed in a fluid
element that is usually a gas or brittle solid at room temperature and is a poor conductor of heat and electricity
chemical formula
combination of chemical symbols and numbers that indicates which elements and how many atoms of each element are present in a molecule
a substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances
elements in group 17 of the periodic table
surface tension
the uneven forces acting on the particles on the surface of a liquid
chemical bond
force that holds two atoms together
covalent bond
chemical bond formed when atoms share electrons
force exerted on a surface divided by the total area over which the force is exerted
metallic bond
bond formed when metal atoms share their pooled electrons
dependent variable
factor that may change as a result of changes to the independent variable
matter with a definite volume but no definite shape that can flow from one place to another
neutral particle formed when atoms share electrons
controlled experiment
involves changing one factor and observing its effect on one thing while keeping all other things constant
alkaline earth metal
elements in Group 2 of the periodic table
explanation of things or events from many observations
the second series of intertranistion elements which goes from thorium to lawrencium
family of elements in the perioidic table that have similiar physical or chemical properties
scientific theory
a possible explanation for repeatedly observed patterns in nature supported by observations and results from many investigations
movement of thermal energy from a substance at a higher tempurature to a substance at a lower temperature
mass number
the sum of neutrons and protrons in the nucleus of an atom
pure substance that contains two or more elements
a record or description of an occurence or pattern in nature
an educated guess as to what is going to happen based on observation
use of science to help people in some way
thermal energy
the sum of the kinetic and potential energy of the particles in a material
energy level
the different areas for an electron in an atom
chemical change
change in which the identity of a substance changes and forms a new substance or substances
a set of objects or parts that form a whole
change of matter from a gas to a liquid state
independent variable
factor that is intentionally varied by the experimenter
electron dot diagram
chemical symbol for an element, surrounded by as many dots as there are electrons in its outer energy level
a small particle that makes up most types of matter
Pascal's Principle
states that when a force is applied to a confined fluid, an increase in pressure is transmitted equally to all parts of the fluid.
matter with a definite shape and volume
anything that takes up space and has mass
electron cloud
area where negatively charged electrons, arranged in energy levels, travel around an atom's nucleas

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