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Korea, Vietnam, Cuban Missile Crisis, and Space Race


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Richard Nixon
President who removed troops from Vietnam
Great Leap Forward
a five-year economic plan that collectivized farms in China and put them into communes
Cuban Missile Crisis
event in 1962 in which Kruschev gave WMDs to a country only 90 miles from Florida
Ho Chi Minh
communist ruler of North Vietnam
Decisive victory that ended the French occupation of Vietnam
Kim Il Sung
communist ruler of North Korea
Apollo 11
America's successful mission to the moon
Alan Shepard
first American in space
Sputnik I
first satellite to be launched into outer space
Domino Theory
stated that if one country fell to communism, all countries would fall eventually
Fidel Castro
Dictator of Cuba
Mao Zedong
communist ruler of China during Korean and Vietnam wars
Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin
first to walk on the moon
John F. Kennedy
President who was assassinated in Texas; involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis
17th Parallel
line of latitude that separated North and South Vietnam
Geneva Accords
agreement that divided Vietnam into North and South
Apollo 13
America's failed mission to the moon
Iron Curtain
term for an invisible political line that divided Europe between Communists and Non-Communists
spaceship that crashed, tragically killing all aboard
Red Guard
Chinese group that tried to destroy everything that was historical in China
38th Parallel
line of latitude that separated North and South Korea
Yuri Gagarin
first person in space
Lyndon Johnson
President who sent 500,000 troops to Vietnam

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