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History Test 7

This is soooo annoying! i HATE this test. some will find it easy, others challenging.


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Robert Walpole
first true Prime minister of england
Hawaiian Islands
Became first center of America's Mission Activity
Francis Asbury
Famous circuit riding preacher
Articles of Confederation
Too weak to beat the government of the US
Year pilgrims landed at plymouth
Alexis de Tocqueville
Wrote "democrocy in america"
Adoniram Judson
was not a missionary from great britian...
great britian
usa fought against war for independence & war of 1812
where pilgrims first landed and settled when they came to the New World
Noah Webster
Remembered as Greatest Educator
Who we got the state of Louisiana from
Name given to non-separatist travelers in the New World
George Washington
Elected first president of the USA
John Wesley
Founed Methodist Church
William Wilberforce
Worked to abolish slavery in British Empire
Adoniram Judson
one of the first Foreign missionaries from US
Samuel Adams
Organized Commites of Correspondence
John Carver
First governor of the Pilgrims
Boston Tea Party
Where colonists dressed up like indians and dumped 340 chests of tea in to the boston harbor
George 3rd
Ruled during American War for Independence
Measured a nation's wealth by how much gold or silver it possessed
13th Ammendment
Officially outlawed slavery in the US
when declaration of independence was signed
Jonathan Edwards
Famous sermon was "Sinners in the hands of an angry God"
French and Indian War
Also known as the Seven Years' War
Where pietist movement oiginated
Where pilgrims stayed before coming to America
Alexis de Tocqueville
Believed America's great success was due to Religion
Robert Raikes
Started Sunday School
Uss Maine
Sparked the Spanish American War
Phillip Spencer
began Pietist Movement
Rio Grande River
Mexico recognized it as a southern boarder for texas
Treaty of Paris
Ended war between Americans and British
Mayflower Compact
Document signed by pilgrims and "strangers" in order to keep law and order in Plymouth
Led Union Army in civil war
D.L. Moody
Great American revivalist in 19th century
Intolerable Acts
Enacted to punnish Colonists for the Boston Tea Party
Lott Carey
Known as "Father of West African missions"
wanted to purify church of england
George Whitefield
Best known preacher in america during Great Awakening
George Washington
Commander in Chief of Continental Army
William Bradford
known as Father of american history
Charles Finney
key figure in nation wide revival
Ship the pilgrims came to america on

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