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reading midterm


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List the 6 influences on content literacy
prior knowledge of the subject
purpose for the task
language and conceptuial difficulut of the material
assumptions the writers make
the organizational structures used
teacher's beliefs
what are the 3 levels of comprehension?
explain the literatl level of comprehension
getting infomration explicitly from the text
explain the interpretive levl of comprhension
putting together information, perecigin relationships, making inferences
explain the applied level of comprehension
using information to express opinions and form new ideas
what is metacognition?
it inovles awareness of, knowedlge about, reugaltion of and ability to control one's own cognitive processess
what are the two compnents of metagognition?
what does metatacotnitive knowedge include?
self knoweldge and task knowedlge
what is self knoweldge
knowedge studenta have about themselsves as learners
what is task knowedlge
the knowledge studnets have about the skills, strateivies and resiources necsarry for th epromance of cogtinitve tasks
what is self regulation?
self regualtion involves the ability to montior and regulated the reading and writing process through strategies and attitutes that capitlaize on metacognivie knowedlge
what are the six self rugaltion and monotoring questions students can ask?
1. words not understood
2. information that doesnt' agree with prior knowledge
3. ideas that don't fit together b/c you can't tell who or what is being discussed
4. can't tell how ideas are rlated
5. contriding ideas
6. missing or not explained infomation
what is schema (schemata)
how people use world or prior knoweldge to orgnatize and store information int heir head
what does schema help readers do?
make inferences, anticipate, predict, fill in gaps, orgniaze information, retain and remember, elaborate
what are the compnsnt of strategey instruation?
assessment, explanaition, awarness

modeling and demonstration

guid3ed practice

when using stragety insturcion how do you assess students
give them a passage
direct them to use a stratgey
have studnets respond to strategy
when using stragety insturcion how do you create awareness and eplain procedures?
discuss assessment
why strategy is useful
explain when to use the stratge
have the studnet use the stratgey
when using stragety insturcion how do you model and demonstrate?
use overhead to show steps
initaite think aloud
when using stragety insturcion how do you provide guided practice
when using stragety insturcion how do you apply the strateigeis
give studnets assignments to apply stratgeies they are learning
what does QAR stand for?
question answer relationship
what are the five steps for teaching QAR's
1. intoruce concept
2. begin by assessing studnets
3. Practice with short passages
4 review
5. have studnets apply QAR to actual assignemnts
what are the two categories of QAR
in your head
in the text
what are the two main categoires of "whare are answers to questions found?"
in the text (right there or think and search)
in your head (author and you, on your own)
what are the main stages of the writing process?
discotery stage, drafting, revising
what activities are included int he discovery stage?
what activities are used in teh dracting stage
provide in class and out of class time and peer collaboration
what activities are used in the revising stage?
student response groups
what are some good vocabulary strategeys?
concept difinition word maps
mood and tone
cuase and effect
linked ynonyms
direct descripion (examples)
what questions and categories are considred when creating a CD word map
what category
how does the defintion of a word help readers?
the authoer quesates the unkonwen word to a familiar word
whow do likned synonyms help readers with vocab words
the autor pais the word with known words
how doe exampels help readers with vocab words?
gives examples of what is used
how does contrast help with vocab strategeis
using opposites of the unkonwn word
how does cuase and effect help voab stratieiges?
they help the meaning of the uknown word to be better guessed
how does the mood and tone help vocab strategies?
the author's mood helps the meaning to be ebtter understood
what are two good comprehension strategies
questioning the author (QtA) and Directed Reaidng-Thinking Activity (DR-TA)
why is QtA a good comprehension stratgey
it allows studnets to ask questions why readnig and places value ont he quality and dept of studnets responses. It byuild metacognitive knoweldge by making students aware
what are the three stages needed for planing a QtA lesson
1. ID major understandings and potentila problems with the test
2. segment the text into logical stoping points for discussion
3. develop question or queires that model and demonstrate how to question the author
what is marking (QtA)
drawing attention to certina ideas by paraphrasing wht a sutdnet said
what is turning back (QtA)
making studnets responsible for figure out ideas and turing back to the text for clarification
what is reviocing (QtA)
assisting studnets as they epxress their idea,s filter the most inomprtaing information
what is modelving (QtA)
think aloud about a difficlut issue
qwhat is annotating (QtA)
providing information that is not in the text so studnets can comprhehnd fully
what is recapping (QtA)
summarizing the main ideas as a signal to move on in the lesson
what are three techniques used as good reading strategies?
think alouds
reciprocal teaching
Question Answer Relationships (QAR)
HOw many comprehension activities are modeled during the reciprocal teaching model of comprehension strategies? What are they?
generating questions
how does recpricocal teachign work?
the teacher assists the students and gives support as needed
how many steps make up the first phase of reciprocal teaching?
find text that demonstrates the 4 comprehension activities
generate appropriate questions
generate predictions
locate summarizing sentences
not difficult vocab and concepts
in recprical teaching, what makes up the second phase?
making decisions about whch comprehension strategies are to be taught, based on the studnts' needs.

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