Upper Limb
undefined, object
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- What are the three muscles attached to coracoid process?
1. Small head BICEP
2. Pec Minor
3. Choracobrachialis - What is the deltiod innervated by?
- Axillary nerve
- Name some muscles in shoulder gridle
Latissimus dorsi
Levator scapulae - Name anterior compartment muscles in the ARM
Biceps brachii
brachialis - What nerve supplies the Anterior compartment of arm
- Musculocutaneous
- Supinator of forearm
- Bicep
- Flexor of elbow
- Brachialis
- Posterior compartment muscles of the arm
- Triceps, long, medial, lateral heads
- Posterior Compartment Innervation of the ARM
- Radial n
- Where is the radial n located in post compartment of arm?
- Radial groove of humerus
- What happens if you injure radial n
- Cant extend wrist or fingers
- Function of posterior compartment of the arm
- Extension of elbow
- What happens if there is a neck fracture on the humerus
- Where is the brachial artery located
- Anterior to the supracondylar arch in the posteriar compartment of arm.
- What does elbow joint do
- Flexion, Extension, Supination, pronation of forearm
- What innervates pronator teres?
- Median nerve
- What happens if median nerve is impinged
Carpal tunnel like symptoms
PRONATOR SYNDROME - Where is the ulnar n. located?
- Posterior to medial epicondyle
- What does the ulnar nerve innervate?
- pinky and index finger
- Median nerve supplies all flexors of forearm exept
- Flexor carpi ulnaris & Flexor Digitorum Profundus
- What innervates the forearm?
- Median and Ulnar n.
- Ulnar supplies most of the muscles of the hand exept
- Thenar and 1st two lumbricals
- Which muscles attach to medial epicondyle?
- Flexors
- Which muscles attach to lateral compartment?
- Extensors
- What landmark had the median nerve lateral to it, and the flexor carpi radialis tendon?
- Palmaris longus tendon
- What dfx can occur at pulmar aponeurosis?
- Dupuytrens Contracture
- What are dupuytrens contractures?
- CT nodules build up on palmer aponeurosis causing flexion of fingers CLAW
- How many tendons in carpal tunnel
- nine
- What three musles make up the 9 tendons in carpal tunnel?
- Flexor pollicis longus, flexor digitorium superficialis, flexor digitorum profundus
- What is the superior part of the carpal tunnel?
- Flexor Retinaculum
- Where does the flexor carpi radialis muscle attach?
- Attaches to base of second metacarpal
- Which is the strongest flexor of the wrist?
- Flexor carpi radialis. Initiates flexion of the wrist
- What do lumbricals do?
- Flex metacarpal phalangeal joint
- What is a disease of lumbricals
- Benedictines sign
- Which muscle has no boney attachments?
- Lumbricles
- Which bone is underneath anatomical snuff box
- Scaphoid
- Tendons of anatomical snuffbox
abductor pollicis longus
Extensor pollicis longus - Adduction of thumb innervation
- ulnar
- Flex thumb and opposition
- median
- extend thumb
- radial
- abduction of thumb
- medial and radial
- Anesthesize back of hand
- Radial n by scaphoid
- Where can you find ulnar nerve quickly to anesthesize
- Btw pisiform and hook of hammate
- Whats Guyons canal
where you find ulnar nerve
Between pisiform and hook of hammate - Whats Erb-Duchennes paralysis
- Forearm pronated, palm facing posterior. Waiters tip hand
- What causes erb-duchennes
- Impinge C5C6 of brachial plexus at birth or fall on head or shoulder
- What injury occurs at neck (posterior triangle)
- c5c5 Erb duchennes
- Whats klemkes paralysis
- clawed fingers, unapposed long flexors and extensors
- What happens when T1 is impinged
- Klemke paralysis
- What causes winged scapula
- Impingemnet of Long thoracic(C5,6,7) at level of axilla
- Impingement of suprascapular n causes
- Difficulty in abduction of arm
- Impingement of musculocutanous
- SEVER weakness of forearm flexion and weak supination. Loss of sensation in lateral forearm
- Axillary n. impingement
- Difficulty lifting arm above horizontal
- Radial n injury at axilla
- Crutch Paralysis.Saturday Night Palsy.wrist drop.loss of extension on forearm and hand.Loss of sensation posterior hand
- Test C8 of fingers by
- Holding paper
- Radial n. injury at radial groove of humerus
- Wrist drop. Not as much loss of forearm extension as in at axilla
- Radial n. injury at neck of radius
- No wrist drop.loss of proximal l extension of phalanges.no sensory loss.
- Median n injury at axilla
- Loss of forearm pronation.weak hand flexion.thumb flexion,opposition lost,abduction weakend.loss of sensatin in lateral palmar surface of hand
- Median n. at wrist
- Same as at axilla and elbow execept without dysfunction of pronation or hand flextion
- Ulnar n. at axilla, arm, medial epicondyle
- Motor/Sensory loss to hand.drawn to side of flexi carpi radialis when flexed.Cant make fist.Claw hand.
- Median and Ulnar n. proximal to elbow
- Clawing is minimal.all long flexors are lost.Clawing increased during recovery
- C5 muscle testing
- Deltoid and biceps. Deltoid best bet. Only innervated by C5. Biceps innervated by C5/C6
- Reflex C5
- Biceps reflex
- Sensation testing C5
- Lateral arm for axillary nerve on LATERAL position of DELTOID.
- C6 Muscle testing
Wrist extension C6 radial n
Wrist extensor C6 bicep musculocutaneous - Reflex test of C6
Brachioradialis reflex tested proximal to the wrist
Can use bicep to not as good - Sensation C6
Lateral foraman muscu n.
thumb, index, lat middle finger - Muscle C7
- Tricep,radial.Wrist flexor,C7,Radial,Ulnar n.
- Flexor carpi radialis innervated by
- median n
- Flexor carpi ulnaris innerv by
- ulnar n
- What is bests wrist flexor
- Flexor carpi radialis
- Three finger extensors
digitorum communis
digiti indicis
digit minimi - Reflex test C7
- Triceps reflex
- Sensation testing C7
- Middle finger
- C8 muscle testing
- Finger flexors
- What to muscles flex the fingers
- Flexor superficialis and profundus
- Which neurological level had no reflex tests
- C8
- Flexor profundus innervated by
- Median and Ulnar
- Flexor superficialis
- Median n.
- Sensation testing C8
- ring and little fingers on hand and distal half of forearm ulnar side. LITTLE FINGER IS PUREST
- T1 Muscle
- Finger abductors
- Sensation T1
- Medial arm. Medial brachial cutaneous nerve. Medial side of upper half of the froearm and the arm
- Which two levels dont have reflex?
- C8 and T1