Social Studies Test
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- Mandan (N/A)
- Crafted leather/potter. &+ they provided corn for neighboring tribes
- Battle of Thames
- American/British war of 1812 that ended the British threat over North West territory? (Americans Won)
- Judiciary Act of 1801
- Law that upped the number of federal judges
- Lewis &+ Clark
- Group who explored lands of Louisiana purchase
- Radicals
- People who take extreme political positions
- John Adams
- President who led the federalists
- William Clark
- Selected four core discovery?
- Captain Robert Gray
- First American to sail around the world?
- Sacagaewea
- Shasoney Woman that helped Lewis &+ Clark on there expedition
- Warhawks
- Westerners who supported the war of 1812
- Impressment
- Act of seasing by force
- Trudy of Gent.
- Ended war of 1812
- Louisiana Purchase
- 1803 purchase of land from Napolean
- Judicial Review
- Principle that states the supreme court has the final say
- Oliver Hazard Perry
- Expirenced officer; leader of americans; won the lake eerie battle?
- Called Unconstitutional
- Contradicts law of the Constitution
- John Marshall (federalist)
- 1801 - Chose as Supreme Court Chief Justice
- Tetonsuiox
- Viewed Americans as people with trade
- Tecumseh
- Chawnee Chief promised to stop land loss of Native Americans?
- Francis Scott Key
- Who wrote the start spangled banner?
- Embargo Act of 1807
- Law that stated American ships weren't aloud in foreign ports
- Hamilton Berdoodle
- 1801 election when ___ challenged another politician
- Marbury vs. Madison
- Lawsuit established judicial review
- Zebulon Pike
- His mission was to find resources of Arkansas/Red River
- Meriwhether Lewis
- Led expedition to Louisiana purchase
- Oto
- Buffalo hunting people
- Dolley Madison
- Who saved seven pricless objects before british troops burnt down the presidents mansion?