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Social Studies Test


undefined, object
copy deck
Mandan (N/A)
Crafted leather/potter. &+ they provided corn for neighboring tribes
Battle of Thames
American/British war of 1812 that ended the British threat over North West territory? (Americans Won)
Judiciary Act of 1801
Law that upped the number of federal judges
Lewis &+ Clark
Group who explored lands of Louisiana purchase
People who take extreme political positions
John Adams
President who led the federalists
William Clark
Selected four core discovery?
Captain Robert Gray
First American to sail around the world?
Shasoney Woman that helped Lewis &+ Clark on there expedition
Westerners who supported the war of 1812
Act of seasing by force
Trudy of Gent.
Ended war of 1812
Louisiana Purchase
1803 purchase of land from Napolean
Judicial Review
Principle that states the supreme court has the final say
Oliver Hazard Perry
Expirenced officer; leader of americans; won the lake eerie battle?
Called Unconstitutional
Contradicts law of the Constitution
John Marshall (federalist)
1801 - Chose as Supreme Court Chief Justice
Viewed Americans as people with trade
Chawnee Chief promised to stop land loss of Native Americans?
Francis Scott Key
Who wrote the start spangled banner?
Embargo Act of 1807
Law that stated American ships weren't aloud in foreign ports
Hamilton Berdoodle
1801 election when ___ challenged another politician
Marbury vs. Madison
Lawsuit established judicial review
Zebulon Pike
His mission was to find resources of Arkansas/Red River
Meriwhether Lewis
Led expedition to Louisiana purchase
Buffalo hunting people
Dolley Madison
Who saved seven pricless objects before british troops burnt down the presidents mansion?

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