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Radiology; Lecture 4&5, Labs 3,4,5,&6


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pain, paresis, paralysis
What are the 3 signs of disk disease?
Potter-Bucky Diaphragm
A device that moves the grid back and forth under the table. Helps prevent grid lines from showing up on radiograph.
more light
Increased crystal size = _____________ given off
Cadmium sulfide or caesium iodide
What 2 types of screens does fluoroscopy use?
What is different about pictures produced in fluoroscopy?
15 mAs
What is our standard mAs for use with the grid on any body part?
round ligament, joint capsule, muscles
What 3 things hold the femoral head in the acetabulum?
5 mAs
What is the standard mAs for our x-ray machine?
Fast screen speed
High speed-- decreased exposure-poor detail- are able to penetrate thicker areas
You are using fewer x-rays
Using screens leads to less radiation because ___________________________
What color light do calcium tungstate screens emit?
Slow screen speed
Have increased definition/detail- need to have increased radiation exposure
dyes in phosphor layer
pigments tend to decrease the lateral spread of light so there is increased detail. since there is decreased light you need to use more x-rays to get the same density in the radiograph
10 mAs
What is our standard mAs for the pelvis, skull, spine and other bones?
Flexed lateral view
What position is required for OFA certification of elbows?
Ostochondrosis dessicans- an idopathic disease, cartilage forms a flap which can break free and float in the joint
What is OCD?
Visible Light
Crystals + X-rays = ___________
Medium or Par screen speed
Most common type-- give good resolution w/relatively low exposure
Infection of the disk and surrounding bone
Dobermans. Cervical instability & disks tend to have more movement than usual and are more apt to rupture
What breed of dogs are prone to wobblers syndrome? What is it?
Metastatic osteosarcoma
Starts elsewhere in body and spreads to the bone
What is paresis?
increased/ increased/ decreased
Increased phosphor layer thickness leads to __________ x-ray absorption and __________ visible light emission from the crystals. This leads to ___________ detail due to blurriness from the spreading out of light
Lines per Centimeter
If the grid is stationary more lines that are finer are less apt to show up on the radiograph, few thicker lines show up more
Laxicity caused by estrogen
Why aren't females radiographed, 3-4 weeks before or after heat?
Grid Focus
What is the distance between the x-ray tube and the grid called?
What type of radiography does not use x-ray film
>_ 10cm
When is the grid used on any body part?
Film Cassettes
Rigid film holders. Protect film from external light/damage. Keep x-ray film in close contact with screens, must be radiolucent
Breed normals to normals, and make sure they have normal relatives
Describe the genetic way of preventing hip dysplasia
15%cervical/ 85% Caudal thoracic and lumbar
What are the 2 most common areas of disk herniation?
Peak of exhalation
When do you take the exposure of the abdomen?
4-9 months
How early may radiographic signs of hip dysplasia appear?
What kind of relationship does screen speed have w/exposure required to cause its fluorescence?
Calcium binding between adjacent vetebrae
Annulus fibrosis
Outer fibrous layer of disk
24 months
For official OFA radiographs, how old must the animal be?
Bone tumors
High levels of x-ray absorption/ High level of x-ray light conversion w/the correct energy & color for type of film used/ Must have little or now afterglow
Screens need to have what 3 things?
Bone infection
Fluid in joint/ fractures/ tumors/ bone infections. ocd
What are 5 things that can be seen in a shoulder radiograph
Radiographic detail is _________ proportional to the screen speed
Calcium tungstate and Rare earth elements
What are the 2 types of phosphor crystals used in screens?
Triple it
What do we do to mAs when utilizing the grid?
Spine bifida, extra vertebrae, fused vertebrae, scoliosis
How far away from the x-ray tube does the grid need to be?
Caudal border of the scapula
What do you center the beam over when x-raying the shoulder?
Grid Cutoff
If the x-ray tube is not with in the grid focus range, what occurs?
Nucleus pulposis
Gelatinous center of the disk
Dachshunds, beagles and pekingese
What breeds of dogs are prone to caudal throacic disk herniation?
Animal ID(AKC # and Name)/ dob/ breed/ date/ owner id/ vet id
What needs to be on the label for OFA
small crystals= __________ screens= ________ detail= ________grain
Blackness of a radiograph
What does density refer to?
Reflective layer efficiency
Reflects light made by phosphors back towards the film. If it absorbs some light then it leads to decreased efficiency and need for more x-rays.
Do animals with hip dysplasia have a +/- Ortonali sign?
polycarbonate/ aluminum/ magnesium/ carbon fiber/ vinyl
What are 5 materials that film cassettes can be made of?
Genetics/ Environment
What are 2 ways of preventing hip dysplasia?
fast, medium, slow
What are the 3 speeds of screens?
Fractures/ Tumors/ Dislocations/ Hip Dysplasia
What 4 things do radiographs of the hips and pelvis show?
Peak of inspiration
When do you take the exposure of the chest?
Quantum mottle
Spotty or mottled appearance fewer x-rays hit fewer crystals. Deceased fluorescence. Seen more w/rare earth screens (fast screens)
Intensifying Screens
Sheets of luminescent phosphor crystals on a cardboard/ plastic base. 2 w/in each cassette.
What color light do rare earth elements screens emit?
Increased laxity felt when trying to "pull" the femoral head out of the acetabulum
What is a (+) ortolani sign?
Slow down rate of growth, start on adult food before 6 months . do not give vitamin or mineral surplus
Describe the environmental way of preventing hip dysplasia.
grid efficiency
The ratio of the height of the lead strips to the distance between them
2.5 mAs
What is the mAs value for our machine for radiographs of the chest?
Large crystals=______ screens=________detail=_________"grain"
When is the grid used on the chest?
Primary osteosarcoma
bone tumor that starts in the bone
A series of lead strips on edge which allow only primary x-rays to reach the film
What is a grid?
Sante's Rule
What is kVp determined by?
Malformation and degeneration of the coxofemoral joints
What is hip dysplasia?

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