This is a list of really awesome movies and if u havent seen them...go to the video store!!
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- The Ringer
- hahaha this is a hilarious movie where this guy pretends to be special so he can participate in the specil olympics and win ALOT of money! it sounds mean but its really not
- Elf
- :D i watch this EVERY YEAR around christmas time w/ my sister
- Enchanted
- ok..guys will probably hate this movie but i love it because ive always wanted to just be walking down the street and ppl break out in song and dance!!! its so funny too!!
- Robin Hood Men in Tights
- haha i just watched this at the beach w/ gabe and erin and i thought it was so funny!!!!!!!!
- The Sound of Music
- ive seen this a BILLION TIMES!!!!! no1 ever wants 2 watch it w/ me because i know every word!!! :D
- sry...
- sry i g2g but i love so many more movies!!! if u have a fav. movie then PM me or put it in the discussion box
- The Wizard of Oz
- ive always loved this movie... its a classic!
- Stick It
- ha this is a funny movie ive seen it like 100 times
- Across the Universe
- if u love the beatles then u will love this movie ssssssooooo much!!!!! its alittle sad but of course it has a happy ending!!!!! and they are amazing singers, some of the sonngs they do i like them better then the orignals. like 'ive just seen a face' and 'dear prudence'
- Little Miss Sunshine
- really funny.. its just so strange! the humor is really random and it had me and constence (connie-my sis) peeing in our pants laughing!!!!!!!
- Superstar
- ahaha really funny!!!!! will ferrel is in this too--hes really good in it!
- Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
- i saw this is theatres and its so much better then the second one! its got a lot of humor in it and i looooove johny depp!!!!!! he is so good and its kinda long, but o well!
- Scary Movie 3
- SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol this is hilarious i still watch this a lot!! making fun of signs, the ring, etc.
- Ancorman
- haha i LOVE will ferrell!!!! he is so funny in this movie, and its got a lot of other comedians in it so its really hilarious!
- 50 first dates
- adam sandler and drew barymore (i have no idea how 2 spell her name!) are really good in this movie! espically adam sandler he is hysterical
- All Harry Potter Movies
- i am obsessed w/ harry potter!!! i read all the books this summer and several of them more then once and the movies follow the books (somewhat..except the 5th one SUCKED!! it was NO WHERE CLOSE to the book!!!!!!!!!) but ya books are always better then fav HP movie is the 3rd or 4th one. theyre both good!
- Fever Pitch
- i love this movie because i looooooooove the red sox!!! it has a lot of humor about the yankees (yankee toilet paper :D) and
- Freedom Writters
- i saw this a long time ago and i bought it because its such a great story!
- Hairspray
- She's the Man
- w/ amanda bynes...LOL THIS MOVIE IS SO FUNNY!!!!!!
- Licence to Wed
- robin williams is really good in this movie!