Harry Potter Capítulo 2
vocabulario del segundo capítulo
undefined, object
copy deck
- caligrafía
- handwriting
- batir
- to flap
- riesgo
- risk, danger
- bufido
- angry snort
- asentir
- to nod
- susto
- fright, scare
- aviso
- warning
- fregona
- mop
- negar con la cabeza
- to shake one's head
- distinguir
- to single out
- cuenco
- earthenware (bowls)
- alas
- wings
- gemir
- to howl
- acarrear
- to cause
- lanzar
- to launch
- entrecejo
- space between the eyebrows
- agujeros
- holes
- certeza
- certain
- bondad
- kindness, goodness
- arrojado
- fearless
- tunante
- rascal
- resplandecer
- to shine
- averiguar
- to find out
- faros
- lighthouses
- alterarse
- to disturb, to lose one's temper
- criatura
- creature
- tartamudear
- to stutter, stammer
- enfadarse
- to make angry
- fontaneros
- plumbers
- exponerse
- to explain
- con franqueza
- with familiarity
- atrever
- to dare
- lágrimas
- tears
- hallar
- to find, observe
- cerebro
- brain
- asimismo
- likewise, also
- saltones
- bulging (adj)
- rogar
- to beg
- hipar
- to hiccup
- hacerse añicos
- to shatter
- grandeza
- greatness
- negar
- to deny
- triunfo
- triumph
- rabia
- rabies, rage, fury
- profunda
- deep, profound
- asco
- disgust
- aguda
- high-pitched, witty, acute
- afilada
- pointed, sharped
- procurar
- to attempt
- alcanzar
- to reach, to catch up with, attain
- motivo
- reason
- quebrada
- broken
- pegar
- to glue, stick
- tirar
- to pull
- mísera cantidad
- very small amount
- almohadón
- cushion
- salir como una flecha
- to go off like a shot (lit. to go like an arrow)
- detener
- to stop, delay
- el corazón en un puño
- heart in a fist
- descortés
- rude, impolite
- educamente
- politely
- apresurar
- to hurry up
- a secas
- simply, just
- reprimirse
- to repress, to refrain oneself
- jergón
- straw mattress
- consternación
- amazement that throws one into confusion, consternation
- quedarse ronca
- to lose one's voice (lit. make it hoarse)
- destello
- sparkle, shine
- precisamente
- exactly
- la cara llena de pecas
- face full of freckles
- parpadear
- to blink, wink, to twinkle
- yacer
- to lie down
- convenir
- to suit
- infarto
- heart attack
- de sopetón
- all of a sudden
- pista
- clue
- bambones de menta
- chocolate mints
- susurrar
- to whisper
- gatera
- slit in door
- erizar
- to stand on end
- pertenecer
- to belong
- punta
- tip
- girar
- to rotate, spin
- entristecido
- saddened
- animar
- to brighten up, to cheer up
- azorado
- embarrassed
- espantosamente
- astonishingly, frighteningly
- realizar
- to carry out, accomplish
- mocoso
- brat
- deshacer
- to upset, undo
- castigarse
- to punish
- a punto
- on the point
- tal vez
- perhaps
- apiadar
- to pity, take pity
- grosero
- rude, coarse