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Black Figure Vases

NCEA Level 3 Vases
part 1 - Black figure
This includes:
Francois Vase
Lydos column krater
Exekias belly amphora
Exekias kylix cup
the Amasis lekythoses


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white: shields, corselets, greaves and cloaks Purple: painted on the styr's mask on Achilles' shield.
Where was the white and purple added on the Exekias belly amphora side A?
date of sexual arousal
In what state are the satyrs depicted in the fourth band of the Francois vase side B?
At the base of the deep bowl, underneath the figures. Black and purple
where has Exekias painted the series of concentric lines and bnads and what are the two colours?
c 560 -550BC
When was the Amasis Painter: ovid lekythos - women weaving made?
Polydeuces: one with the dog Castor: behind the horse
Who are the Dioskouroi on the Exekias belly amphora side B and which one is which?
By incising the edge of the fabric to make it appear to be hanging at an angle
How has Lydos attempted to simulate folds and drapery on his column krater?
Who is the potter/painter of the Exekias belly amphora?
an aryballos which contains oil to cleanse and anoint the Dioskouroi and a stool on his head with a change of clothes.
What is the slave carrying on side B of the Exekias belly amphora?
runs with a wine jug over his shoulders
What is the comic figure of Dionysus doing in the third band of side A on the Francois vase?
by overlapping the figures
How did Lydos attempted to show depth?
the Geranos
What is the name of Theseus' victory dance on the first band of the Francois vase?
Corinthian miniaturist
What style is the Francois vase painted in?
Marriage of Peleus and Thetis
What is on the 3rd band on side A on the Francois vase?
Who killed Kaineus with a branch on the Francois vase?
Both are dressed in full battle armour : an incised leather corselet, greaves and thigh guards incised with two spirals. Achilles is special and has added protection of an arm guard incised with a frontal panther's head used to protect the wearer's spear throwing arm
Describe the armour of the two heroes on Exekias belly amphora side A
Used for storing liquids such as wine
What is the purpose of the Exekias belly amphora?
Homer's 'Hymn to Dionysos'
What is the scene inside the Exekias kylix based on?
the god Dionysus reclinging in his ship is dressed in a spotted robe and holding a wine horn in his hand. Twin vines, heavy with clusters of graps curl around the mast to hang above his head.
Who is at the centre of the Exekias kylix and what does he look like?
purple to detail clothing and white for the skin of the maenads
What are the colours and where did Lydos use it on his column krater?
black silhouette with incision for details
What is the typical description of a black figure vase painting?
Volute krater
What is the shape of the Francois vase?
Return of Hephaistos to Olympus
What is the story of the Lydos column krater?
It is a shallow drinking cup with two handles
What is the purpose of the Exekias kylix (eye cup)?
added a lot of purple
What has Exekias done to accentuate the armour of the warriors on the his kylix?
coral red background
What is the colour of the inside of the Exekias kylix?
Tyrrhenian pirates
What kind of pirates kinapped Dionysus on his way to Greece on the Exekias kylix?
attributed to Lydos
Who is the potter/painter of the Lydos Column krater?
Who is the potter/painter of the Exekias kylix?
Becuase of the stylistic similarities
The Lydos column krater was never signed, how do we know that 'Lydos' painted the vase?
Who pottered the Francois vase?
purple red for cloth and white for the flesh of females
What colours are used to enlven the decoration for the Francois vase?
A symmetircal composition with the spears focusing on the heroes' heads and mirroring of the arms to create aa triangular composition
What is the composition on the Exekias belly amphora side A?
c. 540-530 BC
When was the Exekias belly amphora made?
a chain of ivy leaves and an elaborate double lutus and palmette motif borders on the girth of the belly
With what is the shape of the Exekias belly amphora emphasised?
mythological animals (griffins and sphinxes) and exotic vegetal motifs (lotus and palmettes)
What are the features of Orientalisation on the Francois vase?
56.5 cm
What is the height of the Lydos column krater?
c 560 -550 BC
When was the Amasis Painter: ovid lekythos - wedding procession made?
Because figures are large and arranged in a more formal composition
Why is the Grand style called 'Grand'?
Set beneath a pair of brows, eye sockets have been painted in outline while the puples are painted in white, then purple then black circles. Two enlongated tear ducts frame the small stylised nose.
Describe the 'apotropaic' 'magical' eyes on the Exekias kylix
Varied profile poses to create a wild and mischievous atmosphere
What innovation did Lydos take on the figures on his column krater?
Achillies: profile satyr's head in high relief set between a snake and a panther. Ajax: a bearded gorgon's head set between two wrihing snakes
What are on the sheilds of the two heroes on Exekias belly amphora side A?
on the reserved front face of the foot
Where did Exekias sign his kylix?
17 cm
What is the height of the Amasis Painter: ovid lekythos- wedding procession?
1. tail of Achilles' horsehair creat trailing down towards the ground. 2. the extra glaze added to Ajax's snail shell curls to give them body. 3. bulge of heroes' leather corselets,, sticking out the back of their cloaks
What are three interesting details that adds to the aturalism of the cene on the Exekias belly amphora side A?
a vine, a piece of ivy and a wine horn
What are the three items Dionysus is holding on the Lydos column krater?
Two groups of three armed warriors fighting over a corpse. On one side, the corpse has been stripped and is in the proces of being dragged away while on the other side, the dead warrior lies fully armed
What is decorated on either side of the Exekis kylix? under the root of the handles.
When was the Lydos Column Krater made?
Calm, composed and solem
How are the two gods depicted on the Lydos column krater?
What is the height of the Exekias belly amphora?
upper surface of the mouth
Where are the inscriptions of Exekias' name on his belly amphora?
What is the height of the Amasis Painter: ovid lekythos- women weaving?
c. 570BC
When was the Francois vase made?
Grand style
What is the style of the Attic black figure Lydos column krater vase?
Trojan-inspired and can be traced back to Homer's 'The Iliad'
What is the inspiration to the Francois vase and what can it be traced to?
On the first band and middle band
Where are the names signed on the Francois vase?
Who painted the Francois vase?
The hero wears a corinthian helmet with a horsehair crest while Ajax is without one
How has Achilles been presented as the dominant one on the Exekias belly amphora?
What is the height of the Francois vase?
Used for mixing wine and water - often used at a symposium
What is the purpose of the Lydos Column Krater and where was it used?
Layered it in black glaze
What has Exekias done to give the appearance of depth and texture in his kylix?

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