Wimer Vocab 28
undefined, object
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- Serendipity
- The faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident/luck
- Bedizen
- To ornament or dress in a showy or gaudy manner
- Opus
- A creative work, especially a musical composition numbered to designate the order of compositions
- Paean
- A song of joyful praise/exultation
- Rara avis
- A rare or unique person or thing
- Potter
- Random, unplanned work
- Capitulate
- To surrender under specified conditions; aquiesce
- Corporeal
- A characteristic of the body; tangible
- Exhortation
- Strong, stirring arguement or appeal
- Drudgery
- Tedious, menial, unpleasant work
- Ethereal
- Heavenly or celestial; light and airy
- Sylvan
- A characteristic of woods/forest regions