Harry Potter Vocab
undefined, object
copy deck
- se quedó completamente helado
- he remained completely still
- ni siquiera
- not even
- su rostro
- his face
- le costó concentrarse
- it was difficult to concentrate
- el volante
- steering wheel
- cuchichear
- to whisper
- tambaleaba
- he staggered
- se atusó
- he ran him fingers through
- se estaba comportando
- they were behaving
- se apresuró
- he hurried himself up
- alcanzó
- he caught up with
- el empujón
- a shove or push
- fuera
- get out of here
- se trastornaba
- he was becoming upset
- estirar
- to stretch
- darse cuenta de
- to realize
- desfilaban
- they were marching
- se alejó
- he moved away
- una mirada severa
- a severe glance
- chillona
- shrill or scream
- reprocharse
- to blame oneself
- petrificado
- petrifide
- de todos modos
- anyways
- gruñó
- to grunt or growl
- una rosquilla
- doughnut
- se enfureció
- he became furious
- "quien-usted-sabe"
- you-know-who
- diminuto
- tiny one
- dirigirse
- to address
- enfadado
- angered
- murmuraban
- they were gossiping
- excitados
- excited
- susurraba
- was whispering to himself
- aprobaba
- he approved
- el anciano
- the old one
- los bigotes
- mustaches
- señalaban
- they were signaling
- se contuvo
- he contained himself