Potter puppet pals
undefined, object
copy deck
- boyish attitude
- What does Harry have in Wizard swears?
- 11
- How many wisard swears are there?
- Snape
- Who is being bothered in "Bothering Snape"?
- Dumbuldore
- Who says the "Elder Swear"?
- yes
- does Neil Circeiga win the youtube award for comedy?
- losers
- school is for what?
- Snape
- Who dies first in "Trouble at Hogwarts"?
- your
- What is the first word of the "Elder Swear"?
- Ron
- Who runined Ginny and Harry's wedding in Ginny and Harry's wedding?
- a drucken Filch with a cactus and a croquet mallot
- In Wizard Agnst what awaits harry and ron in the dunguens?
- puebescent
- Fill in the blank I feel cranky and ________today
- leprechan tank
- What swear does Harry say to Voldemort?
- Hermione
- Who is the forth person to appear in TMTN?
- gourd
- What kind of Vegetable is Neville?
- Renareldo
- What is Rons new name in "the vortex?
- London
- Where does Ron have a beach party?
- Ron
- Who gets stuck in a vortex?
- Neil Circeiga
- Who is the macker of potter puppet pals?
- Daniel Radcliffe
- What harry potter actor's name is in the" Elder Swear"?
- swish and flicker
- What is Hermione's favorite wisard swear ?
- Butterflies
- What does Ron follow in " Trouble at Hogwarts"
- Dobby
- Who eats Harry's skin in his dreams?
- Hagrid's buttcrack
- What wizard swear does Neville say?
- a pipe bomb
- What is the Mysterious Ticking Noise?
- language and boyish attitude
- Why is "Wizard swears" rated PG-13?
- red
- What is the color of Voldemort's eyes?
- Voldemort
- Who does Harry,Ron,Hermione prank call?
- Dumbuldore
- In the Yule Ball who sings about love?
- Harry
- On TMTN who is the last one to come in, in the song?