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Arky Ch8 tools


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3. Smelting
Heating copper separates ore from metal. much more ore than copper. discard ore, use copper.
Acheulian hand axe
large multipurpose, made w/ bone hammer, very sharp edges.
study of contemporary cultures w/a view to understand the behavioral realtionships which underlie the production of material culture
Chipped tools
Made form smashing. Difficult, but predictable skill.
making of metal tools. lots of evidence of how its made, tools didn't last long b/c they could be easily melted down and reused when needed
Chaine opratoire
Ordered chain of actions, gestures, processes in a production sequence which led to the transformation of a given material toward a finished product.
Mixing 2 or more metals to make new material
Way to study/analyze tools. put flakes back together, time consuming. shows what steps it took to manufacture.
finer more symmetrical pottery. cant entirely get rid of wheel marks
Alloying w/ tin
Makes bronze from tin and copper. better material to work w/
Evolution of metallurgy
Basically same throughout the earth. all depends on how hot you can heat a fire.
Microscopic analysis
Used on crystal skull. Use a microscope to look at tool up close.
bonding metals together, silver w/copper, copper w/gold etc.
Very small tools, needed to be attached to be something to be useful
Way to study/analyze tools. remake tools
usually made of flax
3 age system
Shows cultural importance of tool.Stone/bronze/iron age.
finer looking than molding. more symmetrical/circular. wrap around. potter try to remove traces of coils but cant completely, uneven thickness
handles on pots etc. additions
Main ideas of Ch 8
1. how we study tools, 2. How tools were made
Intentional use and control of fire by humans
Material residue of smelting.
Incised decoration
using object (straw) to poke in pottery to make designs
half a rounded rock, used to smash bones, nuts etc
Hande Axe
Paleolithic stone tool usually made my modifying (chipping)a natural rock.
stone pebbles once though to be humanly made now regarded as natural processes
Over analyzing
of tools, can make give it more emphasis than it had.
Classification of pottery
Ware, decoration, form. not function!
4. Melting and Casting
Mold, heat copper to liquid, pour in mold. cools and hardens.
Dunking pottery in paint before firing.
Old world chronological period, began around 10 000 yrs ago, btwn paleolithic and neolithic, associated w/rise to dominance of microliths
1.6 mya
Acheulian hand axe.widespread thru Europe
1. Shaping native copper.
find copper, hammer into shape
Crystal skull
Supposed to be aztec but isnt. microscope analysis shows that the rounded edges are impossible to be done by hand, so couldn't be Aztecs
Secondary clay
broken down and transported. as it moves it sorts itsself out. same size/shape. mixed w/more junk though.
Molding w/fingers
, only certain amt of finenesspottery made only w/hands
Flake scars
marks on tools that show were stone was chipped to make tools, negative impression left on the core after flake is removed
Classes of tools
Stone, metal, ceramic, textile
Ground tools
made from exerting pressure on stone. time consuming.
To fuel fires for metallurgy. One of most expensive parts of making item
Firing pottery in kiln.
100 000 bce
controversial levallois tool. very hard, time consuming. if smashed wrong whole rock wasted.
Primary clay
from right where rocks broke down. diff sizes but not as much stuff mixed into it
Parts of chipped tools
Core tool, flakes.
Metallographic examination
Technique used in study of early metallurgy involving microscopic examination of a polished section cut from an artifact whiched had been etched, to reveal the metal structure
Metals used
copper bronze iron lead silver gold
short blade
Dunking pottery in paint after firing.
a blank from which other tools/flakes are made
Ths soldering of grains of metal to a background,usually of same metal, used by etruscans.
2. Annealing copper
Heat metal a bit, makes it more malleable
longer blade than bladelet
Example of a microlith
Ceramic blowtube used in smelting.
2.5-1.5 mya
choppers common, conservative social series b/c used for millions of years
Microwear Analysis
Study of patterns of wear/damage on the edge of stone tools, provides valuable info on way the tool was used
In near east. Similar methods worldwide.
Lost wax method
allows more elaborate design
getting temper out
straw/grass added to clay to make it stick together, burns away when fired.less temper the finer the ware. give clay added strength, to counteract shrinking/cracking when firing.
Glass like material, 1st made in egypt. coating a care material of powdered quartz w/a glaze.
Repeated process of heating and hammering material to produce desired shape
Flakes of stone, from knapping stone tools, sometimes discarded sometimes used

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