Arky Ch8 tools
undefined, object
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- 3. Smelting
- Heating copper separates ore from metal. much more ore than copper. discard ore, use copper.
- Acheulian hand axe
- large multipurpose, made w/ bone hammer, very sharp edges.
- Ethnoarchaeology
- study of contemporary cultures w/a view to understand the behavioral realtionships which underlie the production of material culture
- Chipped tools
- Made form smashing. Difficult, but predictable skill.
- Metallurgy
- making of metal tools. lots of evidence of how its made, tools didn't last long b/c they could be easily melted down and reused when needed
- Chaine opratoire
- Ordered chain of actions, gestures, processes in a production sequence which led to the transformation of a given material toward a finished product.
- Alloying
- Mixing 2 or more metals to make new material
- Refitting
- Way to study/analyze tools. put flakes back together, time consuming. shows what steps it took to manufacture.
- Wheel
- finer more symmetrical pottery. cant entirely get rid of wheel marks
- Alloying w/ tin
- Makes bronze from tin and copper. better material to work w/
- Evolution of metallurgy
- Basically same throughout the earth. all depends on how hot you can heat a fire.
- Microscopic analysis
- Used on crystal skull. Use a microscope to look at tool up close.
- Plating
- bonding metals together, silver w/copper, copper w/gold etc.
- Microlith
- Very small tools, needed to be attached to be something to be useful
- Replication
- Way to study/analyze tools. remake tools
- Textiles
- usually made of flax
- 3 age system
- Shows cultural importance of tool.Stone/bronze/iron age.
- Coiling
- finer looking than molding. more symmetrical/circular. wrap around. potter try to remove traces of coils but cant completely, uneven thickness
- Applique
- handles on pots etc. additions
- Main ideas of Ch 8
- 1. how we study tools, 2. How tools were made
- Pyrotechnology
- Intentional use and control of fire by humans
- Slag
- Material residue of smelting.
- Incised decoration
- using object (straw) to poke in pottery to make designs
- Chopper
- half a rounded rock, used to smash bones, nuts etc
- Hande Axe
- Paleolithic stone tool usually made my modifying (chipping)a natural rock.
- Eoliths
- stone pebbles once though to be humanly made now regarded as natural processes
- Over analyzing
- of tools, can make give it more emphasis than it had.
- Classification of pottery
- Ware, decoration, form. not function!
- 4. Melting and Casting
- Mold, heat copper to liquid, pour in mold. cools and hardens.
- Slip
- Dunking pottery in paint before firing.
- Mesolithic
- Old world chronological period, began around 10 000 yrs ago, btwn paleolithic and neolithic, associated w/rise to dominance of microliths
- 1.6 mya
- Acheulian hand axe.widespread thru Europe
- 1. Shaping native copper.
- find copper, hammer into shape
- Crystal skull
- Supposed to be aztec but isnt. microscope analysis shows that the rounded edges are impossible to be done by hand, so couldn't be Aztecs
- Secondary clay
- broken down and transported. as it moves it sorts itsself out. same size/shape. mixed w/more junk though.
- Molding w/fingers
- , only certain amt of finenesspottery made only w/hands
- Flake scars
- marks on tools that show were stone was chipped to make tools, negative impression left on the core after flake is removed
- Classes of tools
- Stone, metal, ceramic, textile
- Ground tools
- made from exerting pressure on stone. time consuming.
- Wood
- To fuel fires for metallurgy. One of most expensive parts of making item
- Kiln
- Firing pottery in kiln.
- 100 000 bce
- controversial levallois tool. very hard, time consuming. if smashed wrong whole rock wasted.
- Primary clay
- from right where rocks broke down. diff sizes but not as much stuff mixed into it
- Parts of chipped tools
- Core tool, flakes.
- Metallographic examination
- Technique used in study of early metallurgy involving microscopic examination of a polished section cut from an artifact whiched had been etched, to reveal the metal structure
- Metals used
- copper bronze iron lead silver gold
- Bladelets
- short blade
- Wash
- Dunking pottery in paint after firing.
- Core
- a blank from which other tools/flakes are made
- Granulation
- Ths soldering of grains of metal to a background,usually of same metal, used by etruscans.
- 2. Annealing copper
- Heat metal a bit, makes it more malleable
- Blade
- longer blade than bladelet
- Arrowhead
- Example of a microlith
- Tuyre
- Ceramic blowtube used in smelting.
- 2.5-1.5 mya
- choppers common, conservative social series b/c used for millions of years
- Microwear Analysis
- Study of patterns of wear/damage on the edge of stone tools, provides valuable info on way the tool was used
- Ceramics
- In near east. Similar methods worldwide.
- Lost wax method
- allows more elaborate design
- levigation
- getting temper out
- Temper
- straw/grass added to clay to make it stick together, burns away when fired.less temper the finer the ware. give clay added strength, to counteract shrinking/cracking when firing.
- Faience
- Glass like material, 1st made in egypt. coating a care material of powdered quartz w/a glaze.
- Annealing
- Repeated process of heating and hammering material to produce desired shape
- Flakes
- Flakes of stone, from knapping stone tools, sometimes discarded sometimes used