harry potter
undefined, object
copy deck
- Scorpius
- Draco Malfoy's son
- Pig
- Ron's owl
- Albus
- came up with twelve uses for dragon's blood
- Voldemort
- the greatest dark wizard of all time
- Harry
- the Boy Who Lived
- Hermione
- Ron's girlfriend/wife
- Hungarian Horntail
- Dragon that Harry outsmarted in the Triwizard Tournament
- Tom Marvolo Riddle
- Voldemort's name. Does not go by this name after leaving Hogwarts
- Charlie
- Son of Arthur who went of chasing dragons
- Albus Severus
- Harry's youngest son
- Draco
- Harry's archenemy and son of Lucius Malfoy
- Severus
- Triple agent working for Dumbledore
- The Sorcerer's Stone
- an exilir giving the drinker immortality
- Crabbe and Goyle
- Draco's "goons"/followers
- Hagrid
- half-brother of Grawp
- Fred and George
- Ron's twin older brothers. Extreme jokers
- Bill
- Oldest son of Arthur Weasley
- Hogwarts
- the greatest wizarding school
- McGonagall
- Head of Gryffindor house while Harry was there
- grindelvald
- second greatest dark wizard of all time. Defeated by Dumbledore in a duel
- Cho
- Harry's first girlfriend
- Ginny
- Harry's girlfriend/wife
- Rose
- Ron and Hermiones' daughter
- Ron
- Harry Potter's best friend
- Avada Kedavra
- The killing curse