Foclóir 03
Stór focal agus frásaí atá bailithe agam thar na blianta
undefined, object
copy deck
- seamhan
- semen
- scolardach
- pundit
- páirtí leasmhar
- stakeholder
- frapa
- prop
- sraoilleach
- slutty
- uathdhó
- spontaneous combustion
- róchaifeach
- extravagant ($)
- rinneadh m'fháistine a léamh dom
- I had my fortune told
- comhartha uaillbhreasa
- exclamation point
- anois a bhí muid ag trácht ort
- speak of the devil
- bogásach
- smug
- galbhád
- steamboat
- stoidiaca
- zodiac
- (boladh) dreoite
- musty (smell)
- íobartach
- sacrificial victim
- meigeall
- goatee
- cnaipe práinne
- panic button
- radaitheoir
- radiator
- ungadh
- ointment
- ceamach
- slob
- tuartha
- bleached
- codladh scéimhe
- beauty sleep
- tá sé amuigh uirthi go...
- she has a reputation for...
- criosú
- zoning
- foréigean teaghlaigh
- domestic violence
- íospartach
- victim
- téitheoir uisce
- water heater
- coigeartaigh
- to adjust
- cailleach na luatha buí
- cinderella
- mioscaiseach
- spiteful
- ulóg
- pulley
- ionú
- proper time; favorable opportunity
- cainéal
- cinnamon
- ag sliodarnach
- slithering
- duanach
- melodious; poetic
- mac imrisc
- pupil (of eye)
- smut
- snout
- plásaí
- smooth talker
- ceartaiseach
- self-righteous; dogmatic
- sraoill
- ****
- gligín
- (baby's) rattle
- tá tú ag cur tharat
- you're blathering on
- rud a chur ar tuar
- to bleach something
- cúipéir
- cooper
- laíon
- pulp
- díobhlásach
- profligate
- torathar
- ogre; freak; monster (of human parentage)
- áirgiúil
- well-appointed
- spontáineach
- spontaneous
- geitiúil
- skittish; easily startled
- plúchtach
- stifling
- aga freagartha
- response time
- sáiste
- sage
- eadarnaí
- lying in wait/in ambush
- bhí sé amuigh agat
- you had it coming
- gobán súraic
- (baby's) pacifier
- fréamhshamhail
- prototype
- dúchan
- blight
- galrollóir
- steamroller
- brioscáin; criospaí
- crisps
- mótar sneachta
- snowmobile
- dlíthe criosúcháin
- zoning laws
- teach breá análach
- a spacious house
- aoire
- shepherd
- taom scaoill
- panic attack
- úsc fainile
- vanilla extract
- báire baoise
- youthful folly
- tairngreacht
- prophesy; divination
- daigh (daitheacha)
- stabbing pain(s)
- Críoch Lochlann
- Scandinavia
- sin tú!
- you're next!
- ciseán caolaigh
- wicker basket
- measúil
- respectable
- fuaránta
- frigid (sexually)
- ciúta díolacháin
- sales gimmick
- taosc
- to drain; to bail water
- gearg
- quail
- seachadadh urghnách
- extraordinary rendition
- garrfhicsean
- pulp fiction
- níl agat ach...
- all you have to do is...
- clár na mionn
- witness box
- stalctha
- stiffened; set
- seadadh roimh am
- premature ejaculation
- coinnleoir
- candle holder
- forbróir eastáit réadaigh
- real estate developer
- ag sraothfairt
- sneezing
- cumhacht crosta
- power of veto
- bisiúil
- prolific
- fo-iarsma
- side-effect
- biabhóg
- rhubarb
- ní neamhbheo
- still life
- maróg
- pudding
- tá sé sa tairngreacht
- it's been foretold
- blastanas
- seasoning
- lúbloch
- oxbow lake
- clú
- reputation
- íocshláinte
- restorer of health
- criadóir
- potter
- slíodóir
- slimeball
- fasach
- precedent