Nursing Ch 25
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- 2. Restoration of Health
- Clients recovering from and adapting to changes resulting from illness or injury seek informationg about their condition and skills to help regain their health. Ex., Client's Disease, Cuase of Disease, Prognosis, Medications, Activity, Diet Choices, Surgical Intervention, Tests and Therapies
- Three Domains of Learning
- 1. Cognitive (understanding) 2. affective (attitudes) 3. psychomotor (motor skills)
- Three purposes of Client Education
- 1. Maintenance and Promotion and illness Prevention 2. Restoration of Health 3. Coping with Impaired Functions
- Cognitive Learning Hierarchy
- -Knowledge: learning new facts or information and recalling them. -Comprehension: the ability to understand the meaning of learned material. -Application: using newly learned ideas in a concrete way. -Analysis: breaking down info. -Synthesis: apply knowledge and skills to produce a new whole. -Evaluation: a judgement worth of a body of info. for a given purpose.
- Teaching
- An interactive process that promotes learning. Interpersonal communication is essential for successful teaching to occur.
- A Patient's Bill of Rights
- The American Hospital Association indicates that clients have the right to make informed decisions about their care. The information required to make informed decisions needs to be accurate, complete, and relevant to the client's needs.
- 2. Affective Learning
- Deals with expression of feelings and acceptance of attitudes, opinions, or values.Simpliest behavior is receiving, and the most complex is characterizing
- Goal of Educating
- The goal of educating others about their health is to assist individuals, families, or communities in achieving optimal levels of health. Preventitive care is essential in reducing health care costs, as well as reducing hardships on individuals, families, and communities.
- 3. Psychomotor Learning
- Involves acquiring skills that require the integration of mental and muscular activity, such as the ability to walk or to use and eating utensil.The simpliest behavior is preception and the most complex is organization.
- Affective Hierarchy
- -Receiving: being willing to attend to another person's words. -Responding: active participation through listening and reactving. -Valuing: attaching worth to an object or behavior demonstarted by learner. Organization: developing a value system, organizing values, resolving conflicts. -Chracterizing: acting and responding with a consistent value system.
- 1. Cognitive Learning
- All intellecutal behaviors and requires thinking. Simplest behavior is knowledge and the most complex is evaluation.
- "The goal of client and family education is to promote healthy behaviors and encourage the client's involvement both in the delivery of health care and the health care decisions to improve outcomes."
- Learning
- The purposeful acquisition of new knowledge, attitudes, behvaiors, and skills.
- Learning Objective
- Describes what the learner will be able to do after successful instruction.
- Nursing Potter Perry Ch. 25
- Client Education
- 3. Coping With Impaired Functions
- New knowledge and skills are neccessary for clients to continue activities of daily living because they never fully recover. The families ability to provide support results in part from education, which begins as soon as the nurse identifies the client's needs and the family displays willingness. Ex., Home care, Self-help, Prevention, Knowledege of Risk Factors, Environmental Alterations
- 1.Health Maintenance and Promotion and Illness Prevention
- The nurse is a resource for clients who want to improve their physical and psychological well-being. The nurse provides information for the client to assume healthier behavior. Ex., First Aid, Hygiene, Prenatal care, Screening, Exercise, Immunizations.