Social Studies
undefined, object
copy deck
- barter
- to exchange one kind of good or service for another
- oba
- a king of Benin
- chinampa
- man-made island
- estate
- a class or order in pre-Revolutionary French society
- adobe
- a brick formed from mud and straw that is dried in the sun
- glacier
- a huge ice sheet
- pope
- the leader of the Roman Catholic Church
- euro
- the money of the European Union
- nomad
- a person who travels from place to place without a permanent home
- pictograph
- a picture that represents a word
- burial mound
- a small hill of dirt built over the grave of a person
- massacre
- the killing of many helpless people
- helot
- a slave
- dictator
- a person who has total control over the people
- basin and range
- a low area of land with a small mountain range
- Armada
- a fleet of warships
- cataract
- a waterfall
- icon
- a religious image
- colony
- a settlement far from the country that governs it
- arid
- dry
- artisan
- a craftsperson such as a potter or a weaver
- guild
- a group of craftspeople or merchant who are united by a common interest
- polytheism
- the worship of many gods
- plunder
- valuables taken in war
- levee
- a dike used to control flooding