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Jour 101 Last Test


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Journalists consider things such as responsibility, credibility, and the duty to inform the public during the Potter Box stage of ethical decision making?
state principles
Which of the following is NOT one of the four main categories of business to business ads?
The media mix for business to business advertising:
all of these
Albert Bandura's research involving children's exposure to violent content and subsequent behavior toward a Bobo doll is complicated by the fact that:
all of these
The TV industry's adoption of the "voluntary" program ratings guidelines following the Telecommunications Act of 1996:
all of these
Which of the following is NOT one of the four main categories of business to business advertising:
all of these
The advice "do not treat people as a means to an end" best reflects which ethical principle?
categorical imperative
Many ethics experts agree that stressing ________ is the best way to teach ethics to journalism and mass communication students.
a systematic way of thinking about ethics
Which of these phases of an advertising campaign would happen last?
executing the campaign
Taken as a whole, panel studies designed to measure the effects of exposure to violent TV have shown what type of relationship between aggressive behavior and viewing violent TV?
mutual causal connection, but it is small and influenced by individual and cultural factors
Tracking studies in advertising are designed to:
see how many people recall certain ads
The technique known as management by objectives would be most closely associated with the ______ phase of a PR campaign.
__________ occurs when companies create messages taht are so intriguing that consumers share them with others.
viral advvertising
In terms of media effects on prosocial behavior,
prosocial messages do not change day-today-behavior
The effectiveness of the MPAA rating system depends on the cooperation of all of the following EXCEPT:
This type of research investigates whether heavy TV viewers have a distorted view of the world -- a view that reflects the world represented on television.
cultivation analysis
Corporate Web sites are being used by PR practictioners to:
all of these
TV networks utilize ___________ to help make sure that no unethical content is aired:
standards and practices departments
Children are likely to be most influenced by TV when:
all of these
In recent years, the advertising agency:
all of these
Media organizations can feel the effects of economic pressures from advertiseres regarding:
all of these
PR practitioners use the Internet to streamline their media efforts by:
both of these
Researchers argue that television has affected politics:
television has affected only the voters, not the process
Moderation is the key to moral virtue, according to the:
Principle of the Golden Mean
Positioning is most commonly considered during the ______ phase of an ad campaign.
choosing marketing strategy
This was probably the most influential of all pressure groups targeting broadcasting:
Action for Children's Television
Retail advertising is also called _______ advertising.
In 2003, a proprosed merger of ABC and CNN was challenged by Center for a Digital Democracy (CDD), which threatened legal action if the merger was made, CDD is an example of:
pressure group
What ethical principle guides reporters who decide NOT to use a hidden camera -- even though the story is of vital importance to national security -- because using hidden cameras is wrong?
categorical imperative
Newspapers use ___________ as guidelines to persuade the public on certain issues or to achieve certain goals.
editorial policies
Identifying the target audience is one goal of ________ in advertising.
formative research

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