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European Union Notes


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European countries, fundamental values
What is the European Union? A group of ________ _________ that are all committed to the same ___________ ______
Peace, Democracy, the rule of law & human rights
What were the fundamental values the European Union were committed to?
Membership, economy government
__________ in the European Union help the _______ and __________ of each member country
Member countries, joint decisions, politics economics
The ______ _________ make _____ ________ on matters of ________ and _________
Agriculture, culture, consumer affairs, competition among businesses, environment, energy, transportation, trade
What were to joint decisions make by the EU?
member countries
All ______ _________ must follow the EU policies in order to stay a member of the EU
Common Market
A ______ ______ means that trade and travel barriers between countries have been removed
The four freedoms
Freedom of goods, services, people, money
the euro, 1999, 2002
In 1992, the EU decided to use a single currency, ___ ____. Introduced in ____, fully incorporated in ____
- Free-Market Economy - Stable Democracy - Accept all EU laws - including the euro - Submit application to the council (council must agree on countries acceptance)
Conditions for membership in the EU
Currency, the euro
Each European nation had its own ________, or system of money, the switch to one currency ( ___ ____) solved many problems
No more exchanging money when going to another country, Trading internationally became easier, no more tariffs (taxes) on exported goods.
problems solved by using the euro

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