undefined, object
copy deck
- map red
- pave road highway numbers and shade in areas of urban development
- 1995
- the organization went international first units in okinawa japan
- how do you write your name recruit
- ym, recruit, cole
- 1958
- young marines was founded
- secure
- to stop work
- ensure that field mess gear is
- properly wash
- no chevron
- private
- hatch
- door
- 3 stripes star 4 rockers
- sergent major
- water safe to drink
- boil for at least 20 min
- taking care of map
- folding laminating putting it away keep away from strong wind if wet let it dry flat
- site upwind from a
- shaddle trench cathole
- mo regiment co
- mr miller
- large enough area for
- living quarter permitting the shaddle trench cathole
- valley
- level ground bordered on the sides by higher ground
- 1965
- young marine official birthday oct 17
- site with a stream
- nearby
- wrote national anthem
- francis scott key
- contour line
- a line on the map joining points of equal elevations above sea level
- 3 stripes marine symbol 4 rockers
- sergeant major of marine corp
- cliff
- near vertical shape the closer the lines are to eachother the steeper the slope
- water purification
- tablets can be used
- topside
- upstairs
- pogey bait
- candy cookies
- port
- left side
- gold leaf
- major 04
- personal hygiene standard
- after using head wash hands
- black map
- building railway some symbols and precise elevations
- red silver red
- chief warrant office 3
- 3 stripes 4 rockers pineapple
- master gunnery sergeant
- ladder
- stairway
- only use the field head
- cathole area
- 1975
- membership was extended to females
- green map
- vegetation like wood orchards vineyards
- as you were
- cancel the previous command go back last position
- head
- bathroom
- fire watch 1
- remain awake alert until relieved by replacement or authorized adult
- fire watch 4
- never forget im a young marine will perform my duties the best of my ability
- never drink water unless you are absolutely sure it is
- safe to drink
- 1 stripe
- private first class
- unit co
- mr edmonds
- 3 stripes rifle
- sergeant
- and some freedom from
- insect
- red silver red silver red
- chief warrant officer 4
- saddle
- is the low ridge between two peaks
- set up sleeping arrangements before
- dark
- 3 star
- lieutenant general 09
- personal equipment to carry
- whistle compass knife
- 3 stripes rifle 3 rockers
- master sergeant
- to permit
- drainage
- 1 silver bar
- first lieutenant 02
- 100 yard
- away
- fire watch 2
- enforce all orders given by adult in charge
- address young marines
- ym, sergeant, cole
- 1 star
- brigadier general 07
- clothes get wet
- change into dry prevent getting sick
- 2 silver bars
- captain 03
- be aware of
- insect rodent unpleasant disease
- brown map
- contour lines spot sand cliff geological features
- police
- straighten up or tidy up
- silver leaf
- lieutenant colonel 05
- bulkhead
- wall
- high
- ground
- bird
- colonel 06
- young marines founded
- waterbury ct
- depression
- low point or hole in the ground surrounded on all sides by higher ground
- site away from
- swamp stagnant water where mosquitoes breed
- gung ho
- can do
- overhead
- ceiling
- 3 stripes rifle 2 rockers
- gunnery sergeant
- evening color
- sunset
- field day
- general cleaning
- 1 gold bar
- second lieutenant 01
- division commanding officer (co)
- mr bulter
- 3 stripes diamond 3 rockers
- first sergeant
- blue map
- water river lake swamp
- 2nd battalion co
- mr loyd
- starboard
- right side
- morning color
- 0800
- female earrings
- studds
- topographic maps are
- conventional signs
- brush
- twice a day
- 2 stripes rifle
- corporal
- another name for flag
- national ensign
- map scale
- ration scale for the map find in under the map name bottom center
- silver red silver
- chief warrant officer 5
- deck
- floor
- motto
- semper fidelis
- 1 stripe rifle
- lance corporal
- espirt de corps
- readiness for action and courage
- 2 star
- major general 08
- national director
- mr kessler
- red gold red gold red
- chief warrant officer 2
- prevent the spread of germs
- food water toothbrush
- 4 star
- general 10
- 3 stripes rifle 1 rocker
- staff sergeant
- first commandant of usmc
- samuel nicolas
- unit executive officer (xo)
- mrs satz
- map date is found
- copyright information in the bottom left/right corner
- red gold red
- warrant office 1
- fire watch 3
- report all dangerous activity immediately
- dispose of all
- garbage to avoid unwelcom guest
- hill
- is point or small area of high ground