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Mass. Communications


undefined, object
copy deck
Sumner Redstone's company. Links to subsidiaries, including Paramount movie studie; MTC, Nichelodeon
News is
nonficiton reports on waht people want or need to know
public relations
messages intended to win support
One-time bound publications of enduring value on a single topic
ongoing bound publications of continuing value with diverse topics
unbound publicaitons, generally weekly or daily, with diverse, timely content
Books, magazines and newpapers
print media
recordings, radio, television, web, whose messages are stored electronically fro transmission and retrieval
electronic media
Underlying technology for movies is photographic chemistry
chemical medium
Print media, which requires intimate audience involvement
hot media
Cool media
can be used passively
Melding of media role as purveyor of information and entertainment
Divides functions of media companies into a creation category, like producing a television program, to a distribution fucktion, like delivering the program on a cable system
content-distribution model
A single corporation or individual's total control over prouction that can stifle competion.
vertical integration
looks at mass media in terms of development in a sequence of innovation, entrepreneurship and stability
maturation model
new media
whatever is the current mdia technology whose potential has not been fully recognized
when technology is being explored for what becomes a new mass medium
innovation stage
entrepreneurial stage
when profit possibilities are being found for new media technology
when the technology and audience become well defined as an identificable industry comes into existence
stability stage
focus on media responsibility to society
applaud media that attracts a large following
Number of copies of a publication that circulate
Government-required paid notices
Media focus on a narrower audience segments
Emerging narriowly focsed advertising vehicles
alternative media
combing of companies into large compaines
Robert Maxwell
Global media mogul who overexpaned
Ben Bagdikian
critic of media consolidation
Converstaion of all media to a common digital technology
Efficient, compact storage and transmission of data
integration of text, sound and video with the audience controlling the sequence of presentation
configurable video
Sending news to readers' computer screens
electronic delivery
William Randolph Hearst
Chain owner who dictated contents of all his newpapers
Newspaper chain
company that owns several newpapers
A leading U.S. newspaper chain with 90 dailies
local autonomy
independence from chain headquarters
company headquarters in a faraway city
absentee ownership
Collective gargaining agent at 134 U.S. Canandian newspapers
Newspapre Guild
Garnett national daily founded in 1981
USA Today
Creator of USA Today
Allen Neuharth
Second largest U.S. daily newspaper
Wall Street Journal
Cofounder of Wall Street Journal 1882
Charles Dow
Cofounder of Wall Street Journal
Edward Jones
Created the modern Wall Street Journal
Barney Kilgore
FOunded the Christain Science Monitor in 1908
Mary Barker Eddy
boston-based national U.S. newsparer
Christain Science Monitor
Most respected U.S. hometown daily
NEw Your Times
Corrupt New York leader in the 1860s and 1870s who exposed by the New York Times
William Marcy Tweed
NEw YOrk Times reporter on the Tweed Ring scandal
George Jones
Alabama police commisioner who sued the NEw York Times for libel over a 1960s antiracial segregation advertisement
L.B Sullivan
Times v. Sullivan
1964 case that relzed libel restriction on the news media in covering public policy
Secret government study that, when reported int he NEw York Times, led to a Suprme Court decision that discouraged censorship
Pentagon papers
Reporter who committed serial fabrications in the New York Times
Jayosn Blair
Established reputaiton covering Watergate
Washington Post
Conservative newspaper
Washington Times
Largest circulation U.S. hometown dailty
Los Angeles
Edited primarily for readers in a defined region
hometown daily
Free-standing insert (FSI)
preprinted advertising ciculars inserted in newspaprers
busying newspaper with adjointing circulations to cut operating costs
Lsting readers' names
telephone book journalism
An advertsing paper without news
Among the founderes of Village Voice
Norman Mailer, Don Wolf
Model for contemporary alternative press
Village Voice
Generally antiestablishment publication for a young alenated audience
alternative press
Countercultre newspapers
challenge, defy mainstream vaules
Founder of the Advocate
Jim Michaels
First gay newsper, 1967
the Advocate
Daily black newspaer that continues with probing journalism
Chicago Daily Defener
First black newspaper, by John Russwurm and Saamuel Cornish
Freedom' journal
Antislavery black newspaper founded by Frederick Douglass
North Star
Black newspaper founed by W.E.B Dubois
Leading Spanish-language dialy, Miami
El Nuevo Herald
Percentage of persons or households that a newpaper reaches in its circulation area
Space in a publication after ads are inserted
news hole
Foreign correspondent known for CNN work from world hot spots
Christiane Amanpour
From the founding of the colonies to the American revolution
colonical period
Published Publick Occurrences
Benjamin Harris
First colonial newspaper, Boston
PUblick Occurrences
Defied authories in New York Journal
John Peter Zenger
Urged truth as defense for libel
Andrew Hamilton
Viewed newspapers as instigating revolution
Arthur Schlesinger
Partisan Period
From the American Revolution at least to the 1830s.
Essays with diverse views on the form the new nation should take
Federalist papers
John Adams
Federalist president
Discouraged criticism of government
Alien and Sedition Acts
Punished for criticising the majority party
David Bowen
Anit-federalist president
Thomas Jefferson
Member of Congress jailed for criticism of President Adams
Matthew Lyon
Published the New York Sun
Benjamin Day
First penny newspaper
New York Sun
One-cent newsppaer geared to mass audience and mass advertising
penny press period
Organized the first methodical news coverage
James Gordon Bennett
Pioneered editorials
Horace Greeley
Invented the telegraph
Samuel Morse
Delivered by telegraph
lightning news
Most important information first
inverted pyramid
co-op to gather, distribute news
associated press
telling news without bias
objective reporting
Late 1800s, marked by sensationalism
yellow press period
emphasized himan interest in newspapers, later sensationalized
joseph pulitzer
Stunt reporter
Nellie Bly
Built circulation with sensationalism
William Randolph Hearst
Illustrator sent by Hearst to find atrocities in Cubia
Federic Remington
Developed the New York times as a serious newspaper
Adolph Ochs
1920s, similar to yellow journalism
jazz journalism
Concluded that journalist have mainstream values
Herbert Gans
Seeign things on the basis of personal experience values
Found that most journalist see themelves as policically centrists
John Johnstone
Found that journalists' poitical positions shift with the population
David Weaver
Significance of events worth covering varies from day to day
available staff respurces to cover news
News organization second-guessing competion in decided coverage
consensible nature of news
Person who decides whether or not to shorten, drop or change a story en route to the mass audience
Proactive news-gathering
exloratory reporting
Seeking stories that would nto surface on their own and that subjects would prefer not be told
investigative journalism
reporting of Nixon administration scandal
Washington Post report who dug up Watergate
Carl Benstein
caustic interview style
adversarial approach to subjects
Geared to satisfying audience's information wants, not needs
soft news
A 2003 Iraq war term for reporters accompanyin or embedded with, U.S. military combat units
Uncensured field reporting from the Vietnam war
rice-root reporting
pool systme
reporters chosen on a rotating basis to cover an event to which acceess is limited
Union secretary of state who organized Civil War censorship for senstive military news
Edwin Stanton
Civil War reporter remembered mostly for his Antietam battle story
George Smalley
Civil War reporter who was court-martialed for unauthorized, critical Vicksburg battle coverage
Thomas Knox
ewxchange of ideas, information
intrapersonal communication
talking to oneself
interpersonal communication
usually two people face to face
group communication
more than two people
mass communication
many recipients; not face to face
mass communicators
message crafters
mass message
what is communicated
vehicles tha tcarry messages
mass media
recipients of mass messages
mass audiences
Devised a basic communication model, with Warren Weaver
Cluade Shannon
Devised a basic communication model with Cluade Shannon
Warren Weaver
basic communication model
shows sender, encoding, tgransmission, decoding, receiver
devised the narrative model
harold lasswwell
describes process in words, no schmatics
narrative model
Thomas Bohn
devised the concentric cirlce model, with Ray Hiebert, Don Ungurait
useful radiating model of the mass communication process
concentric circle model
stirs someone to communicate
putting something into symbols
sending a message
translating a symbolic message
making sense of a decoded message
a doing oneness that make communicaiton possible
nonmedia people who influence messages
try to influence media messages, policies, include citgizen gorups, government agencies
pressure group
gatekeeper-regulator hybrids
media trade, professional groups
impedes communication before messages reaches receiver
sloppy messsage-crafting
semantic noise
interference during trransmission
channel noise
interference at reception site
environmental noise
receiver factor taht impedes communication
informational filter
receiver's knowledge limits impede deciphering symbols
receiver's alertnesss impedes deciphering
physical filter
receiver's state of mind impeds
psychological filter
speading a message
credence that a topic or issue receives beicause of media attention
status conferral
recipient's response to the sender
result of mass communication
_____ network's total adult 18-49 rating points
Rupert Murdoch
media manipulator
American children see how many commericals each year
information to help or harm a person or organization
laid back promotion of product/organizational person
Newspaper is cold or hot media
books are cold or hot media
movies are cold or hot media
magazines are cold or hot media
radio is cold or hot media
tv is cold or hot media
Estates of society
legislative, executive, judicial, the press
United States government is
preferred newspaper over governement
thomas jeffereson
Joseph McCarty was a
sen. from WI, mian job was to hunt out communists
Johannes Gutenberg invented
movable type
William Caxton invented
printing press
The first english newspaper
The Courant
Benjamin Harris
Public Occurrences, Both Foregin and Domestrick
The story taht got Harris into trouble
Indian Allies mistreat French captives
Sedicious libel
no defense, rules: sued for anything
James and Benj. Franklin invented
New England Courant
Zenger spent _ months in prision for criticizing Gov. William Cosby
Alien and Sedition Act
False statements about government
Women colonial publishers
Anna Zenger, Anne Franklin, Elizabeth Timothy
Elijah Lovejoy
St. Louis Observer journalists, anit-slavery newspaper...was shot and killed
Benjamin Day
New York Sun
James Gordon Bennett
New York Harald, challenged NEw York sun
Horace greely
owned New Yorker, New york Tribune
mathew Brady
first photojouanlist
Nelly Bly
real name Elizabeth Cochran, a journalist eposed sanatarm, went around the world in 72 days
The camera is a
Peter Arnette
broadcast from hotel in Baghadad during the bombings.
Bob schieffer said
there must be at least two sources of information for the public: government and press
bob Woodruff's favorite passage
"I wish to live deliberately And not, when I come to die, Discover that I have not lived" Henry David Thoreau
First Amendment protects the
fourth estate
"Were it left to me to decide whether we should have governemnt without newspaper or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate to prefer the latter"
Thomas Jefferson
"Give me the right to know to utter freely, according to consience, abover all liberties"
John Milton
"I'd rather face all the armies of the world than 3 hostile newspapers
Napoleon Bonaparte
James& Benj. Franklin
NEw England Courant, fought opposition of puritans
John PEter Zenger
NEw York Weekly JOurnal
Andrew Hamilton
Refused to accept 1735 interpretation
Horace Greeley
owned New YOrk Tribune, "The Conscience of the Nation"
"To Serve No party but eh People"
Joseph Pulitzer
Josephy Pulitzer
did more toward seeting the pattern of modern journalism thananyone else
The yellow kid
Richard Oucault
"You supply the pictures, I'll supply the War!"
William Randolph Hearst
Dividing Newpapers
70% advertising. 30% news
neutral objective
Edward W. Scripps
William Randolph HEarst
United PRess was
HEarst style, human interst persona;
Internation News Service
aggrfessive, guality writing,
Associated PResss
Largest in World
TASS is now
United PRess International
once a contender, no US regional coverage today
NEws World owned by
Unification Church
Features syndicated material includeds
critiques, adivce columns, interior decorating
Major news beats of AP and UPI are
government, politics, sports
NEw York times was
Founded by Henry Raymond, Tammany Hall, purchased by Adolpoh Och
The New York TImes vs. Tammany Hall ezposed
Boss Tweed In NYC
wrote storyies of the Sherman Marched without censorship...and then jumped a train toa void the the conseqeunces
Ernie Pyle
wrote for Time, awarded Pulitzer Prize for journalism, killed by a sniper in US forces to Okinawa
"First casualty in war is Truth"
Senator Hiram JOhnson
THe nation's NEwspapers
USA Today, Wall Street Journal, The New York Times
Four Freedoms of the PRess
Freedom from Censorship, Freedom: Confidentiality of Sources, Freedom of Independent Editorial Judgement, Freedom to Critize Public Officials
"News is what I decide is news"
Chet Huntley, ABC News
Al Neuharth
Barney Kilgore
Wall Street Journal
Mary Baker Eddy
Christian Science Monitor
Christiane Amanpour
Jon Peter Zenger
New YOrk Journal
Bellie Bly
NEw YOrk World
Ida Wells
Barentt-Free Speech and Red Record
Matt Drudge
711 to Winchell
Woodward and Bernstein
Washington Post

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