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history final (ancient Greeks)


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What were Greek comidies?
funny plays
What was the main city in Crete?
In which area did Odysseus wander?
the Aegean Sea
what was Delos?
an island- was the birthplace for Apollo
Which group of Athenians enjoyed the most leisure time?
Before the Dark Age, by what system of goverment were the people in the Greek City-States ruled?
kings, a monarchy0 a system of goverment in which a king rules over a group of people
why did Greeks build such a strong army?
their slave population was larger than the population of Spartan citizens so they had to have an army to keep thing under control
how did alexander spread Greek civilization in conquered lands?
built cities modled after greek cities
What was olimpia?
a sanctuary for Zeus, a level plain
Which poey wrote epic poems in the 700s about the early greeks and Mycenaeans?
Why did Darius want to punish the Athenians after 499 B.C?
for aiding a rebellion of Greek city-states
What was the goal of alexander the great?
to conqure the world
Who formed the Spartan Land?
helots- state slaves assigned to a particular plot of land
What did Athenians develop between 700-400 B.C
a new form of goverment
how were citizens of Athens assured a voice in their goverment?
A COUNCIL OF 500- chose at randome every year, AN ASSEMBLY-of all the citizens of Athens met every nine days to vote on the laws, IN THE LAW COURTS- citizens surved as jurors
What was the battle of Thermopylae?
a battle of Persians and Greeks- Pesians won
why did Perisa give Sparta funds?
they hoped the Greek city0states would destroy each other
into what did king philip, alexander's father, turn macedonia in 359 B.C?
a military power
Why did the Greeks trade for grain?
because less than 1/4 of the land was level enough to grow grain
What was Antigone about?
a king who ordered the death of the women his son loved
what was Eleusis?
site of a sanctuary for Demeter
What developed on the island of Crete between 3000 B.C and 1100 B.C?
the major civilization rise the roots of the Greek civilisation
how did the tryants play an important part in the development of democracy?
they taught citizens that by uniting behing a leader they could gain power to make changes
Why did many people support the tryants?
the leaders promised to reform the laws and to aid the poor
What did the geography of Greece help to shape?
its economy and history
Wha was Mycenae>?
the biggest city settling of the mainland of Greece/ a city built on a high top
what deveveloped on the Aegean between 2000 B>c and 100 B.C?
a civilization that grew to control the ancient world
What was the dark age?
the period of decline for Greece-- no trade or written languges
what happened at the trial of Socrates?
he stood before 700 Athenean citizens and pledged his case- he was convicted by dury
How did the Spartans have less of a sat in goverment than the people of Athens?
citizens could not pepose laws- only senaters could do that
How did they trade after 570 B.C?
with silver coins
what did people from?
closly knit communities
What flourished during the Age of Expanitoion?
Greek City-States- each has a name- people in Greece identifie themselve as from their city-state
What led to the rise of new leaders called tyrants?
the dis-content of leaders of the oligarchies
Who did most of the work?
the non-citizens
how were these institutions different after 500 B.C?
they were opened to people that adminestrated fairly
Three facts about training "Athenean" children
1) valued cultural educations as well as phisical education 2) wealthy boys begun school at age 7- lived at home 3)learned reading, writing, arithmetic, poetry, music, and dance
From which empire did the greatest foreign challenge to the Greek city-states come in the 490s B.C?
the persian empire
In what ways were the Minoan palaces quite advanced?
underground plumbing & piped running water to luxurious bathing rooms
In which battle did the Greeks sink about half of the Persian fleet and force Xerxes to retreat to Perisa?
Battle of Salamis
What did Thucydides write about the plague of 430 B.C?
how bad it was
By the End of the Dark Age, the Greek people were ruled by an oligarchy, or goverment controlled by...
a few pople that hold power over a larger group
METICS- registered w/ goerment, paid monthly tax, couldn;t own property, SLAVES- had no legal rights- wealthy landowners- had sveral slaves, MINING SLAVES- owed by the state/worked in mines/ worst lives in athens
Why did the war often seem at a deadlock?
neither side seemed to be wining
According to Herodotus, what happened to the Athenians when they established their democracy?
"the became the first of all"
What did most people do for a living in Greece?
what happened at Aegospotami in 405 B.C?
the Spartans captured the Athenian fleet
What did Philip establish to protect his country?
a professioal army
List two crops commonly grown in Greece:
grapes and olives
into what did the cities of the Dark Ages develope?
into city-states- independent, self governing units
how did Athenians pay for goverment projects?
wealthy citizens contributed money
What is a "spartan" lifestyle?
a simple lifestyle without luxuries
Why did Pericles call all the outlying cirizens to the city?
spartans invaded athen's countryside
how did athens contribute to the begining of the Pelopennesian war?
they forced the city-states to remain in the leage and wanted to control the trade routes
Describe the three goals of Pericles:
1)to protect athens from its emimes 2)make athens the moat beautiful city in the world 3) make democrocy stronger by spreding power between the rich and the poor
Descrobe the social classes that lived in athens (3)
THE CITIZENS- men older than 18, could only become a citizen if father citizen, later could only become a citizen if mother's father and your father were citizen, THE METICS- 35,000, were traders, shopkeepers, craftsmen, or money lender- could not vote or hold public office, THE SLAVES- captured during forigen wars, could not vote, hold office, or chose jobs
why did alexander's empire fall apart after his death in 323 B.C?
his genrals split the empire
Where did the Greeks get their grain?
Sicily, Black Sea, Egypt
Three facts about "training Spartan children"
1) boys left home at age of 7 to live in Barracks 2) training emphisiesed phisical skills 3) conditions in school harsh, disipled, strickt
What was Delphi?
a sanctuary for Apollo- sacred, an oracle lived there
What did the Xenophon record about the terms of athenian surreneder after 27 years of fighting?
that the soilders were laying somewhere thinking of the evils that thy were about to suffer
The influence of the ancient Greeks can be seen throughout the United States. Describe the in fluence of the Greeks in liturature, art, history, and scince
LIT- they made poems. stories, and plays- ART- they made sculptiors (made the body look flawless) HISTORY- the greeks were the first to write down things and keep them in written records, SICENCE- made descoveries abnput astronomy and other sciences stuff
Why was the time of Pericles considered a "Golden Ages" in Athens?
because he led athens threough a glorious age
What developed in Athens around 510 B.C?
they established a democracy
What came to an end in 750 B.C?
the dark age
how did tryants gain power?
by force
The first Greek Plays were sad stories in which the hero was brought to ruin by a flaw in his caracter. What were these kind of plays called?
a tradgedy
Onwhich peninsula did many people settle?
Peloponnesus- southern part
From what did the Myceneans borrow their art styles, pottery designs, and writing system?
Minoans of Crete
how did Athenians trade untill the 500s B.C?
through barter
What do all goverments start out as?
What had happened to the population during that time?
the population re-grew- it increased
what was the meusem at alexandria?
a place were people met to discuss things
What connected the Greeks? Why?
the sea- no point on land was more than 40 miles from the sea

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