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Chapter Fifteen


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Brook Farm
corporation of intellectuals committed to the philosophy of transcendentalism.
James Russell Lowell
political satirist who wrote "Biglow Papers" about the Mexican War.
Nathaniel Hawthorne
grew up in Puritan atmosphere author of the "Scarlett Letter"
crude photography.
Charles Wilson Peale
painter from Maryland painted some sixty portraits of Washington.
American Temperance Society
formed in Boston made efforts to fix the problem of alcoholism in the country.
William H. Prescott
historian that published accounts of the conquest of Mexico.
Knickerbocker group
group of authors in New York who established American Literature.
Peter Cartwright
best known Methodist called sinners to repent.
rejected concept of original sin and christ's divinity but they did believ in a supreme being
John Trumbull
Revolutionary war veteran recaptured its scenes in his paintings.
Emma Willard
Established Troy Female Seminary in Ohio.
Maine Law of 1851
"the law of Heaven Americanized" prohibited manufacture and sale of liquor.
Louis Agassiz
French Swiss Immigrant served 25 years at Harvard insisted on original research and deplored emphasis on memory work.
William Cullen Bryant
Puritan author wrote "thanatopsis" one of the first high quality poems produced in America.
Lyceum lecture association
educational programs that provided platforms for speakers in such areas as science literature, and moral philosophy.
Unitarian faith
belief that God existed in one person and stressed the essential goodness of human nature amd salvation through good works.
Hudson River School
school that excelled in romantic mirrorings of landscapes.
Charles Grandison Finney
greatest of the revival preachers followed olt time religion but was an innovator and condemned alcoholism and slavery.
Robert Owen
wealthy and idealistic Scottish textile manufacturer founded in 1825 a communal society in New Harmony.
George Bancroft
secretary of the navy who helped found the Naval Academy in Annapolis in 1845
American Peace Society
founded in 1828 fought to prevent war.
Susan B. Anthony
militant lecturer for women rights who exposed herself to garbage and vulgar epithets.
Herman Melville
New Yorker went to sea as youth and served 18 months on a whaler, wrote "Moby Dick"
Walt Whitman
author of "Leaves of Grass" a collection of poems that were romantic emotional and unconventional.
Lucretia Mott
Quaker women rights activists who had attended in the convention in London condemning slavery.
belief that knowledge transcends the senses.
Asa Gray
professor at Harvard, the Colombus of American botany, who published over 350 books, monogrpahs, and papers.
Henry David Thoreau
transcendentalists who condemned slavery left society to live in a secldued cabin on lake Walden.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
mother of seven who refused to say "obey" in her marriage ceremony.
Oneida Community
founded in New York in 1848 that practiced free love, birth control, and eugenic selection of parents.
James Fenimore Cooper
first American Novelists wrote "The Spy" and the "Leatherstocking Tales"
William Gilmore Simms
novelists whose works dealt with the southern frontier in colonial days and with the south during the revolutionary war.
John Greenleaf Whittier
uncrowned poet of laureate of the antislavery crusade
Ralph Waldo Emerson
best known transcendentalist who stressed self reliance, self improvement, self confidence, optimism and freedom.
The Second Great Awakening
spiritual fervor tidal wave across the country increasing church membership and reform movements.
Francis Parkman
nearly blind historian who chronicled the struggle between France and Britain in colonial times .
Sylvester Graham
introduced the fad diet of wheat bread and crackers.
Dorthea Dix
teacher-author traveled the country damning reports on insanity and asylums from first hand observations.
Louisa May Alcott
grew up in Mass. around transcendentalism with a philosopher as a father.
Seneca Falls Convention
Woman Rights Convention in New York declared Independence to "all men and women"
Noah Webster
improved textbooks and made a dictionary.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
one of the most popular poets, possessed knowledge of European literature and was the first to be honored with a bust in The Poets Corner of WistminsteR Abbey.
Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes
poet who also taught anatomy wrote "Last Leaf" om honor of the last white indian of the Boston Tea Party
Washington Irving
first American to win international recognition as a literary figure wrote "Rip Van Winkle' and "Sleepy Hollow"
Brigham Young
successor of Joseph Smith who led the Mormons to Utah.
William H. McGuffey
in "McGuffeys Readers" he taught lessons in morality, patriotism and idealism.
Mary Lyon
established Mt. Holyoke Semminary, am outstanding women's school in Mass.
The Mormons
a new religion that established a theocracy in the Utah area.
Gilbert Stuart
painter from Rhode Island produced several portraits of Washington.
Horace Mann
secretary of the Massachussetts Board of Education who campaigned effectively for better schools, higher pay for teachers and an expanded curriculum.
Benjamin Stillman
chemist and geologist who taught at Yale for over 50 years,
Emily Dickenson
explored universal themes of nature, love, death, and immortality through her deceptively spare and language and simple rhyme schemes.
Edgar Allan Poe
gifted lyric poet who reflected a morbid sensibility distinctly at odds with the usually optimistic tone of American culture.
Joseph Smith
received golden plates from an angel that became the Book Of Mormons.
John Audubon
naturalists who painted birds, had a society named after him.
Matthew Maury
oceanographer made observations on ocean winds and currents.

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