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biology finals


undefined, object
copy deck
process in which part of the DNA sequence is copied into a complimentary sequence in RNA
decoding of a mRNA message into a poly-peptide chain
autosomal chromosome
not a sex chromosome
steps involved in DNA replication
DNA molecule separates into two strands, producing two new complimentary strands following the rules of base pairing
messenger RNA
serve as messengers from the DNA to the rest of the cell
ribosomal RNA
involved in ribosomes, which are involved in protein synthesis
transfer RNA
transfers the amino acids to the ribosome in protein assembly
an organism has extra sets of chromosomes
interphase 1
cells undergo a round of DNA replication, forming duplicate chromosomes
prophase 1 (meiosis)
each chromosome pairs with its corresponding homologous chromosome to form a tetrad
metaphase 1 (meiosis)
spindle fibers attach to the chromosomes
anaphase 1 (meiosis)
the fibers pull the homologous chromosomes toward opposite ends of the cell
telephase 1 & cytokinesis (meiosis)
nuclear membranes form, and the cell separates into two cells
what comes after meiosis 1?
meiosis 2, resulting in four haploid daughter cells
both sets of homologous chromosomes
normal- one set of genes
independent assortment
independent segregation of genes during the formation of gametes
error in meiosis in which homologous chromosomes fail to separate
process in which homologous chromosomes exchange portions of their chromatids during meiosis
chart that shows relationships within a family
photograph of chromosomes grouped in order in pairs
precambrian era
simple organisms only in the sea
finally! a diversity in marine life. and also the first vertebrates. they began to come to land. ended with a mass extinction
increasing dominance of dinosaurs. marked by appearance of flowering plants. ended with another mass extinction
mammals evolved. still goin' on today
evolution of the cell
went prokaryotes to eukaryotes. lots of nonsense words too, like protocell
three domains
bacteria, archaea, and eukarea
six kingdoms
eubacteria, archaebacteria, protista, fungi, plantae, and animalia
eubacteria: cell structure, mode of nutrition
cell walls with peptidoglycan, either an autotroph or a heterotroph
archaebacteria: cell structure, mode of nutrition
cell walls without peptidoglycan, either an autotroph or a heterotroph
aw screw it...
check out the chart on page 459
merde freaking encore. im gonna f*cking shoot someone. this is f*cking wasting my f*cking life.
all that virus bullsh*t... just check it out some other time. write it on a postit note.
6 threats to loss of biodiversity
habitat loss, habitat fragmentation, biotic/abiotic issues, habitat degradation, biological magnification of toxic substances, exotic/invasive species

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