Psychology Ch.1 Chapter Review
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The <b>scientific</b> study of behavior and mental processes.
Descended from Philosophy & Physiology. - Psychology
Credited with <b>founding psychology</b> as an experimental science.
German physiologist -
Wilhelm Wundt
1832-1920 -
1st school of psychology
Uses Objective Introspection
founded by Titchener - Structuralism
Student of Wundt
founder of Structuralsim -
Edward B. Titchener
1867-1927 -
School of psychology that emphasizes the adaptive role of behaviour.
Founded by William James. - Functionalism
Founded and promoted psychology in U.S.
Founder of Functionalism.
Mentor of G. Stanley Hall and Mary Whiton Calkins. -
William James
1842-1910 -
Emphasized the role of unconscious conflicts in determining behaviour and personality.
Established by Sigmund Freud. - Psychoanalysis
Rejected the study of mental processes
Emphasized the study of observable behaviour, especially the principles of learning.
Emerged during early 1900s, based on Ivan Pavlov's research.
!st championed by John Watson.
- Behaviorism
Emphasized psychological growth and the importance of choice in human behaviour.
Carl rogers and Abraham Maslow - Humanistic psychology
- 7 different perspectives of psychology, providing an example of the diversity of the science.
evolutionary - The four goals of psychology.
Influence (human behavior and mental processes) - 4 steps of scientific process.
1. Generate a hypothesis that can be tested empirically
2. Design the study and collect the data
3. Analyze the data and draw conclusions
4. report the findings -
Tools for understanding and explaining behavior adn mental processes.
Models that develop to explain different findings on a related topic.
They evolve and change as new evidence emerges. - Theories
Research strategies used to observe and describe behaviour.
Naturalistic observation
Case study - Descriptive research methods
- Research method that aims to detect behaviour patterns as they exist in their natural settings.
- Naturalistic observation
- Research method that involves intensive study of a single subject of small group of subjects.
- Case study
- Three methods of research administered to a sample of the larger group to be investigated.
- Surveys, questionnaires, and interviews
- Studies that investigate how strongly two factors are related to each other.
- Correlational studies
- Indicates that two factors vary in the same direction.
- Positive correlation
- Indicates that two factors vary in opposite directions.
- Negative correlation