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Turtle Anatomy


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What are the seven species of sea turtles?
Green turtle, Flatback, Hawksbill, Kemp's ridley, Leatherback, Loggerhead, Olive Ridley
The carapace of most turtles has about how many bones?
The shell is actually made of ___ ____ bones.
many seperate bones
lower part of shell
Fibropapillomatosis (FP)
A cutaneous disease
globally affecting sea turtles. It is characterized by the appearance of benign tumors, both internal and external. FP can become life threatening when the size and location of the tumors interfere with locomotion, vision, breathing of the turtle, or internal physiology of afflicted organs. Found in green sea turtle, loggerhead, olive ridley,and flatback sea turtles.
tough keratin that covers the surface of the bones (carapace & plastron)
In most turtles, the bones are covered by how many scutes?
The carapace and plastron of most turtles are joined at the sides by a ____
upper part of shell
The plastron of most turtles has ___ bones and ___ scutes.
11 bones and 12 scutes
Where the scutes meet.
What the bones on the shell are joined together by.
Name two turtles that have reduced bones in the carapace and a covering of leathery skin instead of scutes.
softshell turtles and the leatherback sea turtle

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