Japans 102
undefined, object
copy deck
- genshibutsurigaku (原子物理学)
- nuclear physics
- gentai (減退)
- a decline, decrease, loss (of appetite)
- genshiro (原子炉)
- a nuclear reactor
- gense no (現世の/で)
- in this world/life
- genshoku (現職)
- one's present office/post
- genshikakubunretsu (原子核分裂)
- nuclear fission
- gensenchōshūhyō (源泉徴収票)
- a tax receipt from work
- genshukuni (厳粛に)
- gravely, solemnly, seriously
- gensen (源泉)
- a source (of knowledge)
- gensan (減産)
- a decrease in production, a production cut
- genshiryokuiinkai (原子力委員会)
- the Atomic Energy Commission
- genryū (源流)
- the source, the fountainhead
- genshiryokujidai (原子力時代)
- the atomic age
- genryō suru (減量する)
- to reduce one's weight
- genshō (現象)
- a phenomenon, a syndrome
- genshiryokuhatsudensho (原子力発電所)
- an atomic power plant
- gensanchi (原産地)
- the country/place of origin, the original home (of tobacco)
- gensenshotokuzei (源泉所得税)
- a withholding income tax
- genson no (現存の)
- existing, living, extant
- genshi (減資)
- capital reduction
- genryō (原料)
- raw materials, materials for
- genshō suru (減少する)
- to decrease, to diminish, to lessen, to dwindle
- genshu (元首)
- a sovereign
- genseini (厳正に)
- strictly, exactly, rigidly, inpartially
- genso (元素)
- a chemical element
- genshutsu (現出)
- appearance, emergence, revelation
- genshi no (原始の)
- primitive (ages)
- genseina (厳正な)
- strict, exact, rigid, inpartial
- genshiryokukōkūbokan (原子力航空母艦)
- an atomic/a nuclear-powered carrier
- jikan o genshu suru (時間を厳守する)
- to be punctual
- genson suru (現存する)
- to be in existence
- genshiryoku (原子力)
- nuclear power, atomic energy
- gentei suru (限定する)
- to limit, to restrict
- genshukuna (厳粛な)
- grave, solemn, serious
- genshoku no (現職の)
- (a policeman) in active service, on the active list
- genseki (原籍)
- one's registered domicile
- genshishakai (原始社会)
- primitive society
- gensoku (原則)
- a principle, a general rule
- genshikaku (原子核)
- an atomic nucleus
- genteiban (限定版)
- a limited edition
- gensen suru (厳選する)
- to select carefully
- genshirin (原始林)
- a primeval forest
- genryō (減量)
- a loss in weight/quantity
- genshikakukōgaku (原子核工学)
- nuclear engineering, nucleonics
- genshiryokusensō (原子力戦争)
- the atomic warfare
- gensoku (減速)
- deceleration
- genshū (減収)
- a decrease in income/harvest/production
- genten (原典)
- an original text/work
- gensenkazei o toru (源泉課税をとる)
- to tax at the source
- gensho de yomu (原書で読む)
- to read (Hamlet) in the original
- genshō (減少)
- a decrease, a reduction
- gensanchishōmeisho (原産地証明書)
- [商品の] a certificate of origin, C/O
- genshi (原子)
- an atom
- gensokigō (元素記号)
- a symbol of a chemical element
- genshijidai (原始時代)
- the primitive age
- gensho (原書)
- the original (work)
- genshijin (原始人)
- a primitive man
- genseki (原石)
- raw ore
- genshiryokuhatsuden (原子力発電)
- nuclear power generation
- gensaku (原作)
- the original (work)
- genshoku ()原色
- a primary colour
- genshi suru (減資する)
- to reduce the capital
- gensakusha (原作者)
- the author, the writer
- genrō (元老)
- [政界の] an elder statesman, [実業界の] an old-timer in business circles
- genshiryokuenerugī (原子力エネルギー)
- nuclear energy
- gensō (幻想)
- an illusion, a vision, a fantasy, a (day)dream
- genshu (原酒)
- raw/unrefined sake, malt whisky
- gensōkyoku (幻想曲)
- [music] a fantasia/fantasy
- genshibyō (原子病)
- a radiation disease, an atomic disease
- genshiryokusensuikan (原子力潜水艦)
- an atomic/a nuclear-powered submarine
- gensoku toshite (原則として)
- in principle, as a rule
- gentanseisaku (減反政策)
- a less rice production policy with government subsidy
- genshibakudan (原子爆弾)
- an atomic bomb
- genshōgaku (現象学)
- phenomenology
- gentai suru (減退する)
- to decline, to lose (one's appetite)
- gensoku suru (減速する)
- to slow down, to decelerate
- gensui (元帥)
- [US] a general of the army, [UK] a field marshal, [US] a fleet admiral, [UK] an admiral of the fleet, [US] a general of the air force, [UK] a marshal of the RAF
- genseichūritsu (厳正中立)
- strict neutrality
- gensundai no (原寸大の)
- of full size
- genshika (原子価)
- an atomic value
- gensuibakukinshisekaikaigi (原水爆禁止世界会議)
- a World Conference Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs
- genshokuban (原色版)
- a full-colour reproduction
- genshu suru (厳守する)
- to observe (a rule) strictly, to keep (one's promise) strictly
- gensenkazei (源泉課税)
- taxation at the source
- genshikakuyūgō (原子核融合)
- nuclear fusion