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Types of Philosophers

Notes: To get full use out of this set you might want to review these terms.

Free Will: The free-will doctrine, opposed to determinism, ascribes to the human will freedom in one or more of the following senses
a. The freedom of indeterminacy is the will's alleged independence of antecedent conditions, psychological. A free-will in this sense is at least partially uncaused of or is not related in a uniform way with the agent's character, motives and circumstance.
b. The freedom of alternative choice which consists in the supposed ability of the agent to choose among alternative possibilities of action and
c. The freedom of self-determination consisting in decision independent of external constrain but in accordance with the inner motives and ideals of the agent.


undefined, object
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reality of emotions, feelings, beliefs, but detachment from them is possible; happiness=take good w/ the bad; self control= detach from emotions
"emergent properties"
the assumption that the whole is more than the sum of its parts; the phenomena are dependent up on- but not the inevitable consequences of- their constituent parts
a belief that questions the prospects for indefinite "progress"; accepts the existence of many contradictory value systems
the assumption that the whole is nothing but the of its parts; that we can explain all phenomena by breaking them down to their structural parts
believes in the indefinite "upward trail" of progress and continuing perfectibility of humankind, and/or believes that the value system associated with progress will inevitably prevail among everyone
the belief that reason and logic are the primary sources of knowledge and truth and should be relied on in searching for and testing the truth and should be relied on in searching for and testing the truth of things (opposite of empiricism)
other people's religions may be as true and crucial for them as mine is for me
sensible, practical; back-up plan/deal w/ situation; "is" vs. "should be"
moral judgement is universal, principles stay the same
weary, doubt, unsure; true knowledge about a situation isn't possible (the terrible 2's)
believe that it's impossible to prove or know that G/god(s) exist or not
Optimism/ Optimist
tendency to hope, believe, expect best in a situation (the glass is 1/2 full)
expects the worst (the glass is 1/2 empty)
the doctrine that natural processes are rigidly determined and capable of explanation only by the laws of physics and chemistry
the doctrine that the world tends to become better and that man has the power of aiding its betterment opposed to pessimism, the belief that human society has a natural tendency to improve and that people can consciously assist this process
belief that only thing somebody can be sure of is that he/she exists; reality is totally inside the mind
no gods/God or deities
life should be full of absolute pleasure; pleasure or source of moral values
belief that 1 god/many related gods created & rules humans & world
life is pointless/has no value
right or wrong, goodness & badness, or truths & falsehoods are not absolute; rather they change in cultures, situations; moral justification changes
the view that rules, definitions, and scientific laws are the result of human conventions, and that alternatives are always possible
gain knowledge through senses (no such thing as "I Think")
perfection, utopia; "should be" "outta be" vs. is; reject the practical for the ideal
belief that physical matter is the only reality; Emotions, thought, desire, will eventually be explained as physical functions (they would like subjects math and physics)
no choice, no free will; EVERYTHING is fated; EVERYTHING happens for a reason
belief in g/God(s) based on reason set universe in motion BUT don't interfere w/ how its run
my way is the only way to god, and all other religions are false at best and evil at worst
the theory that only the ind and its sensations or thoughts are real
the belief that personal communication or union with the divine is achieved through intuition, faith, ecstasy, or sudden insight rather than through rational though.
other religions have some of the truh, but their incompleteness just illustrates that my religion is the only one that is fully true
the worship of one god, for example, as the special god of a social group or occupation, while acknowledging or believing in the existence of other gods.
doubtful, critical, lack of trust; believes human actions are based insincere or motivated by selfinterest

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