Vetrinary Technology
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- What is a signalment?
- Age, breed, gender that predisposes an animal to its specific medical condition
- List the systems of the body
- integument, respiratory,cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, genitourinary,neurologic,general parameters, special senses
- List the 3 body types
ECTOMORPH - lean body mass, can see ribs
MESOMORPH-muscular, cannot feel ribs with gentle pressure
ENDOMORPH-overweight, cannot feel ribs - WHat is the instrument used to see the tympanic membrane?
- Otoscope
- Which lymph nodes should you be able to palpate on physical exam?
Submandilar - in neck
popliteal-caudal to stifle
prescapular-located cranial and dorsal to shoulder joint - What heart valves are heard on the right?
- Tricuspid
- What heart valves are heard on the left?
- Pulmonic, mitral, aortic
- What are two examples of neurologic exams?
Patellar reflex-tapping on patellar tendon
Wheel barrowing - holding animal's rear legs and seeing if animal will move forward - Describe the proper procedure for palpating the abdomen
- Use 2 handed technique for large animal, 1 hand for small. Begin dorsal to ventral and feel as the abdominal structures slip through hands. Note any abnormalities in chart.
- What factors would you look at to evaluate dehydration?
Skin turgor
gingival color and moistness
position of globe in orbit - Optimizing your physical exam
Have pet under control
Chief complaint
Get complete and accurate history -note any abnormal behaviors
ask 1-2 questions about each system - Chief complaint
- reason for the appointment
- General parameters
document with stickers, chart
begin nose to tail - Causes of change in weight
over-eating - Abnormalities to look for in the eyes
3rd eyelid
cherry eye - Glaucoma
- Increase in intra-ocular pressure
- Miosis
- constricting of pupil
- Mydriasis
- dilating of pupil
- uveitis
- inflammation of the iris and ciliate body
- cataracts
- opacity of the lenses
- tapetum
- portion of the eye that reflects light
- Schirmer Tear Test
- test for tear production, normall 10-24mm/min
- Fluoroscein Dye
- test for ulceration of the cornea. If present, it will stain green
- Epistaxis
- bloody nose
- Staining of deciduous teeth
- Caused by tetracycline during development of teeth
- Periodontitis
- inflammation of structures surrounding the teeth
- Signs of inflammation
pawing at the mouth
halitosis - Tongue
- always check under the tongue for foreign bodies
- Tumors in the mouth
sqaumous cell carcinoma
fibrosarcoma - Aural hematoma
- collection of blood or pus in the pinna
- Exuadates of the ear
dry, dark flaky -earmites
light to yellowish pasty - yeast infection - Tynpanic Membrane
seen through otoscope
seperates external ear form middle ear
"fish scale" - Respiratory sounds in dogs
- heard during inspiration and expiration
- Respiratory sounds in cats
- heard only during inspiration
- Common skin problems
FAD-flea allergy dermatits
Seborrhea-crusty scales, oily skin
alopacia-hair loss
pustules - Causes of dermatitis
sarcoptic mange -zoonotic!
hormonal changes
infections - Skin scrape
1.Place drop of mineral oil onto slide
2.Begin scrape by holding skin bt thumb and index fingers
3.Hold blade perpindicular
4.Depth depends upon what you are looking for
5> All material is placed onto slide
6. Add cover slip and look under 10x obj. - Ascites
- an increase in intra-abdominal fluid
- Palpate the abdominal organs
lrg intestine
sm intestine
mesenteric lymph nodes - Anal Sacs
- located at 4 and 8 o'clock on the rectum
- Musculoskeletal Exam
-observe pt. walking into room
-look for symetry in muscle tone
note any pain on jint motion or crepitus
-palpate dorsal spine of each vertebrae noting pain - Bladder
should feel fluid filled or fluctuant
abnormalities-stones, tunors, excessive firmness due to infection - Uterus
cannot be palpated in normal female
-only in pregnancy, pyo and neoplasia - Cervix
- Can be plapated during pregnancy and certain times during estrus
- Cryptorchid
- no testicles in scrotum
- monorchid
- one testicle in scrotum
- Mammary glands
note any lumos and location of them
check for pain and swelling
presence of milk
mammary tumors can be avoided by having your pet spayed