phys exam chest
undefined, object
copy deck
- dry hacking cough: possible causes
- viral infection; interstitial lung disease; tumor; allergies; anxiety
- chronic, productive cough: possible causes
- bronchiectasis; chronic bronchitis; abscess; bacterial pneumonia; tuberculosis
- wheezing cough: possible causes
- bronchospasm; asthma; allergies; congestive heart failure
- barking cough: possible causes
- epiglottal disease (eg croup)
- stridor: possible causes
- tracheal obstruction
- morning cough: possible causes
- smoking
- nocturnal cough: possible causes
- postnasal drip; CHF
- cough associated with eating or drinking: possible causes
- neuromuscular disease of upper esophagus
- inadequate cough: possible causes
- debility, weakness
- mucoid sputum: possible causes
- asthma; tumors; TB; emphysema; pneumonia
- mucopurulent sputum: possible causes
- asthma; tumors; TB; emphysema; pneumonia
- yellow green; purulent sputum: possible causes
- bronciectasis; chronic bronchitis
- rust colored; purulent sputum: possible causes
- pneumococcal pneumonia
- red currant jelly sputum: possible causes
- klebsiella pneumoniae
- foul odor sputum: possible causes
- lung abscess
- pink, blood tinged sputum: possible causes
- streptococcal or staphylococcal pneumonia
- gravel sputum: possible causes
- broncholithiasis
- pink, frothy sputum: possible causes
- pulmonary edema
- profuse, colorless (aka bronchorrhea) sputum: possible causes
- alveolar cell carcinoma
- bloody sputum: possible causes
- pulmonary emboli; bronchiectasis; abscess; TB; tumor; cardiac causes; bleeding disorders
- pneumonia: changes in tactile fremitus
- increased
- pneumonia: Spanish
- la pulmonía
- pneumonia: French
- la pneumonie
- pneumonia: Chinese
- 肺炎(fèiyán)
- pneumothorax: changes in tactile fremitus
- unilateral decrease
- pleural effusion: changes in tactile fremitus
- unilateral decrease
- bronchial obstruction: changes in tactile fremitus
- unilateral decrease
- atelectasis: changes in tactile fremitus
- unilateral decrease
- COPD: changes in tactile fremitus
- bilateral decrease
- chest wall thickening: changes in tactile fremitus
- bilateral decrease
- inspiration to experation ratio: tracheal breath sounds
- 1:01
- inspiration to experation ratio: bronchial breath sounds
- 1:03
- inspiration to experation ratio: bronchovesicular breath sounds
- 1:01
- inspiration to experation ratio: vesicular breath sounds
- 3:01
- normal locations of auscultation: tracheal breath sounds
- extrathoracic trachea
- normal locations of auscultation: bronchial breath sounds
- manubrium
- normal locations of auscultation: bronchovesicular breath sounds
- over mainstem bronchi
- normal locations of auscultation: vesicular breath sounds
- most of peripheral lung
- CHF: timing of inspiratory crackles
- early (very common) and late (common)
- Obstructive lung disease: timing of inspiratory crackles
- early (very common) and late (common)
- interstitial fibrosis: timing of inspiratory crackles
- late
- pneumonia: timing of inspiratory crackles
- late
- bronchitis: associated adventitial sounds
- crackle; rhonchus
- bronchitis: Spanish
- la bronquitis
- bronchitis: French
- la bronchite
- bronchitis: Chinese
- 支气管炎(zhīqìguǎnyán)
- respiratory infections: associated adventitial sounds
- crackle (pneumonia also pleural rub)
- pulmonary edema: associated adventitial sounds
- crackle, wheeze
- atelectasis: associated adventitial sounds
- crackle
- fibrosis: associated adventitial sounds
- crackle
- CHF: associated adventitial sounds
- crackle; wheeze
- asthma: associated adventitial sounds
- wheeze
- asthma: Spanish
- el asma
- asthma: French
- l'asthme
- asthma: Arabic
- رَبْو
- asthma: Chinese
- 气喘[氣-] qìchuǎn
- pulmonary infarction: associated adventitial sounds
- pleural rub
- asthma: nature of dyspnea
- episodic; symptom free between attacks
- asthma: sx in addition to dyspnea
- wheezing; chest pain, productive cough
- pulmonary edema: nature of dyspnea
- abrupt
- pulmonary edema: sx in addition to dyspnea
- tachypnea, cough, orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dsypnea with chroic state
- pulmonary fibrosis: nature of dyspnea
- progressive
- pulmonary fibrosis: sx in addition to dyspnea
- tachypnea, dry cough
- pneumothorax: nature of dyspnea
- sudden, moderate to severe
- pneumothorax: sx in addition to dyspnea
- sudden pleuritic pain
- emphysema: nature of dyspnea
- insidious onset, severe
- emphysema: sx in addition to dyspnea
- cough as disease progresses
- chronic bronchitis: nature of dyspnea
- as disease progresses and with infection
- chronic bronchitis: sx in addition to dyspnea
- chronic productive cough
- obesity: nature of dyspnea
- exertional
- obesity: Spanish
- la obesidad
- obesity: French
- l'obésité
- obesity: Arabic
- سÙمْنَة
- obesity: Chinese
- 肥胖病(féipà ngbìng)
- asthma: vital signs
- tachypnea; tachycardia
- asthma: inspection
- dyspnea; use of accessory muscles; possible cyanosis; hyperinflation
- asthma: palpation
- often normal; decreased fremitus
- asthma: percussion
- often normal; hyperresonant; low diaphragm
- asthma: auscultation
- prolonged expiration; wheezes; decreased lung sounds
- emphysema: vital signs
- stable
- emphysema: inspection
- increased anteroposterior diameter; use of accessory muscles; thin individual
- emphysema: palpation
- decreased tactile fremitus
- emphysema: percussion
- increased resonance; decreased excursion of diaphragm
- emphysema: auscultation
- decreased lung sounds; decreased vocal fremitus
- chronic bronchitis: vital signs
- tachycardia
- chronic bronchitis: inspection
- possible cyanosis; short stocky individual
- chronic bronchitis: palpation
- often normal
- chronic bronchitis: percussion
- often normal
- chronic bronchitis: auscultation
- early crackles; ronchi
- pneumonia: vital signs
- tachycardia; fever; tachypnea
- pneumonia: inspection
- possible cyanosis; possible splinting on affected side
- pneumonia: palpation
- increased tactile fremitus
- pneumonia: percussion
- dull
- pneumonia: auscultation
- late crackles; bronchial breath sounds
- pulmonary embolism: vital signs
- tachycardia; tachypnea
- pulmonary embolism: inspection
- often normal
- pulmonary embolism: palpation
- usually normal
- pulmonary embolism: percussion
- usually normal
- pulmonary embolism: auscultation
- usually normal
- pulmonary edema: vital signs
- tachycardia; tachypnea
- pulmonary edema: inspection
- posible signs of elevated right heart pressures (elevated jugular venous distension, pedal edema, hepatomegaly)
- pulmonary edema: palpation
- often normal
- pulmonary edema: percussion
- often normal
- pulmonary edema: auscultation
- early crackles; wheezes
- pneumothorax: vital signs
- tachypnea; tachycardia
- pneumothorax: inspection
- often normal; lag on affected side
- pneumothorax: palpation
- absent fremitus; trachea may be shifted to unaffected side
- pneumothorax: percussion
- hyperresonant
- pneumothorax: auscultation
- absent breath sounds
- pleural effusion: vital signs
- tachypnea; tachycardia
- pleural effusion: inspection
- often normal; lag on affected side
- pleural effusion: palpation
- decreased fremitus; trachea shifted away from affected side
- pleural effusion: percussion
- dullness
- pleural effusion: auscultation
- absent breath sounds
- atelectasis: vital signs
- tachypnea
- atelectasis: inspection
- often normal; lag on affected side
- atelectasis: palpation
- decreased fremitus; trachea shifted towards affected side
- atelectasis: percussion
- dullness
- atelectasis: auscultation
- absent breath sounds
- acute respiratory distress dyndrome: vital signs
- tachycardia; tachypnea
- acute respiratory distress dyndrome: inspection
- use of accessory muscles; cyanosis
- acute respiratory distress dyndrome: palpation
- usually normal
- acute respiratory distress dyndrome: percussion
- often normal
- acute respiratory distress dyndrome: auscultation
- normal initially; crackles and decreased lungs sounds later