Vocabulary Unit 9
undefined, object
copy deck
- allocate
- to set apart or designate for a special purpose; to distribute.
- ardent
- very enthusiastic, impassioned.
- assiduous
- persistent, attentive, diligent.
- brash
- prone to act in a hasty manner; impudent.
- capricious
- subject to whims or passing fancies.
- chastise
- to inflict physical punishment as a means of correction; to scold severely.
- copious
- abundant; plentiful; wordy, verbose.
- deviate
- to turn aside; to stray from the norm. one who departs from a norm. differing from a norm, heterodox, unconventional.
- emaciated
- unnaturally thin.
- exult
- to rejoice greatly.
- gnarled
- knotted, twisted, lumpy.
- indemnity
- a payment for damage or loss.
- inkling
- a hint; a vague notion.
- limpid
- clear, transparent; readily understood.
- omnipotent
- almighty, having unlimited power or authority.
- palatable
- agreeable to the taste or one's sensibilities; suitable for consumption.
- poignant
- deeply affecting, touching; keen or sharp in taste or smell.
- rancor
- bitter resentment or ill-will.
- sophomoric
- immature and overconfident; conceited.
- spontaneous
- arising naturally; not planned or engineered in advance.