Physical Development of Infants
undefined, object
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- Cephalocaudal
-Earliest growth is on top (the head)to bottom
-Head area growth is the same top to bottom
-Rest of body is top to bottom (shoulder, trunk...) - Proximaldistal
- sequence where growth starts at the center of the body and moves toward extremities
Averages of newborn
rate of growth and weight gain -
20" long
7.5 lbs
grow 1"/month in 1st year
Weight triples by 12 mos. -
Infant Brain
Laeralization -
2 hemis'
infants have more activity in left hemi w/speech -
REM in infants
3 different REM -
infants spend 50% in REM
adults about 20%
REM sleep: eyes closed but not still, may have motor activity
No REM sleep: eyes closed &still, NO motor activity
No REM, active sleep: eyses closed & still, some motor activity - Reflexes at birth
Grasping -
Reflexes at birth
Sucking - ends 3-4 mos. start sucking when object is placed in mouth
Reflexes at birth
Rooting - ends 3-4 mos. infant turns hear toward side that a stroke of the cheek or near mouth is
Reflexes at birth
Moro -
ends 3-4 mos.
Startle response: whole body opens up, back arches. will return to normal position immediately -
Reflexes at birth
Grasping - end by 3rd mo: hand grasps the object that touches palm
- Gross Motor
1 mo: lift head
3 mo: lift chest and use arms for support
3-4 mos: rollover
4-5 mos support some weight with legs
6 mo: sit withou support
7-8 mo: crawl and stand supportive
8 mo: pull self up
10-11 mos: walk w/support
12-13 mos: walk unsupported - Fine Motor
0-3 mo: grasp reflex
2 mo: holds rattle/control of opening hand starts
3-4 mos: inspects fingers, reaches for dangling ring
4 mo: holds object to mouth, all digits
5 mo: bilateral integration: transfers of hand-hand
6 mo: hold object, bangs it, examines, throws it
7 mo: pulls string, can use tip to tip -
Fine Motor
when does propioseption develop - 3-4 months
Fine Motor
Milestones -
5th mo: bilateral integration
6th mo: hold and use the object - Dynamic Systems Theory
try to explain how motor behavior are assembled for perceiving and acting
Sensation occurs when info interacts w/ sensory receptors
Perception is the interpretation of what is sensed - Perception does what
- gives us opportunities to use affordances that bring us in contact with the environment around us
- Intermodal perception
- involves integrating info from two or more sensory modalities such as vision and hearing
- Perceptual-Motor Coupling
- Perception and action are couples; must perceive to move, must move to perceive