undefined, object
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- Diaphragm to detect what sounds?
- High pitched sounds, normal heart tones and bowel sounds.(S1, S2, friction rub, lung sounds, abdominal sounds)
- Bell of the stethescope is used to listen to what sounds?
- low pitched sounds, such as heart and vascular system (S3, S4, certain murmurs)
- Level of consciousness= patient is unconscious most of the time; has no spontaneous movement; must be shaken or shouted at to arouse, can make verbal responses, but less likely to be appropriate
- stuporous
- Level of consciousness where patient cannot be aroused, even with use of painful stimuli; may have reflex activity(if no reflexes present, patient may be in coma)
- comatose
- Type of skin lesion which is a flat, nonpalpable change in skin color, smaller than 1cm
- Macule
- Type of skin lesion that is palpable, circumscribed, solid elevation and smaller than 0.5cm
- Papule
- skin lesion that is an Elevated solid mass, deeper and firmer than papule, 0.5-0.2cm (eg. wart)
- Nodule
- skin lesion that is a solid mass that may extend deep thru subcutaneous tissue, larger than 1-2cm (eg. epithelioma)
- Tumor
- skin lesion that is irregulaly shaped, elevated area or superficial localized edema; varies in size (eg. hive, mosquito bite)
- Wheal
- skin lesion: circumscribed elevation of skin (filled w/ serous fluid, smaller than 0.5cm (herpes simplex, chickenpox)
- Vesicle
- skin lesion:circumscribed elevation of skin similar to vesicle but filled with pus; varies in size (acne, staph)
- pustule
- skin lesion: deep loss of skin surface that may extend to dermis and frequently beeds and scars; varies in size (venous stasis)
- ulcer
- skin lesion: thinning of skin with loss of normal skin furrow, with skin appearing shiny and transulcent (arterial insufficiency)
- atrophy
- What is the normal percussion tone for the lungs?
- Resonance
- What sounds are heard over bony and well developed muscle tissue?
- Flat
- What sounds heard over stomach?
- Tympany
- What sounds heard over emphysematous lung tissue?
- Hyperresonance
- What sounds are heard over fluid or a solid mass?
- Dullness
- What sounds are heard over peripheral lung fields?
- Vesicular
- What sounds are heard over inner lung fields?
- Bronchial
- What assessment is not used in assessing the heart?
- percussion
- What angle should the patient turn their neck to check for NVD?
- 30-45 degree
- Usually no visible pulsations are seen, except for around what?
- S1 sounds are which heart valves?
- mitral and tricuspid (LUB)
- S2 sounds are which heart valves?
- aortic and pulmonic (DUB)
- Abnormal finding is a thrill...where can thrills be found abnormally?
- over the right or left 2nd intercostal space
- Abnormal finding: A rise along the border of the sternum with each heartbeat is called what?
- Lift/heave
- Percussed over air filled organs.
- tympany
- Percussed over liver, tumor, fluid
- Dullness
- Percussed over a full bladder
- dullness
- most normal feeling percussed in abdominal area.
- tympany
- normal pulse on pulse scale
- +2