Solid lecture- chapter 2
undefined, object
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- cartograhpy
- the science and profession of mapmaking
- in 540 B.C.ancient Greeks...
- theorized that the Earth was a shpere
- circumference of the Earth
- 24,900 miles
- highest point on Earth...
- Mt Everst (Himalayas) 29,035ft above sea level
- lowest point on Earth
- Mariana Trench (Guam) "Chalanger Deep" 36,200ft below sea level
- These create grid patterns andreference points
- circles; great and small
- which circle pass through the poles?
- Great circles
- lines of latitude run ____________ to the equator
- parallel
- lines of longitute pass through the ______________
- prime meridian (pass through Greenwich, England)
- Earth turns______longitude in an hour
- 15 degrees
- each time zone spans___________
- 15 degrees longitude
- why 15 degrees?
- 360 degrees divided by 24 hr day
- how mant time zones are there?
- 24
- US Public land Survey also called_____________
- township and range system
- township and range system
- legal discrition of land
- township=
- 36 square miles
- developed by the military, method of surveying the Earths surface
- Most important map limitation?
- portaying a curved surface onto a flat surface
- mercador map
- compensates for distortion
- azmuth
- an angular direction of a line,point, or route measured clock wise from N 0-360' (#'s only)
- bearing
- an angular direction of a line, point or route measured from N or from a current location to a desired location (often in 90' compass quadrants)
- thematic map
- map designed to present information or data about a specific theme
- isoline
- a line on a map that represents equal values of some numerical measurements such as lines of equal temperature or elevation contours
- isotherm
- temperature
- isobar
- pressure
- isobath
- water depth
- isohytes
- precipitation
- contour lines
- show elevation and terain
- contour interval
- lines = value
- remote sensing
- mechanical collection of information about the environment from a distance, usually from aircraft or spacecraft, e.g.; photography,radar,infrared