undefined, object
copy deck
- fer
- carry
- para
- beside
- paragon
- excellent model
- dissemble
- conceal through pretense
- execrate
- denounce or curse
- malfeasance
- public misconduct
- tenebrous
- dark and gloomy
- expostulate
- to earnestly object
- dissonant
- inharmonious
- apo
- away
- tauto
- same
- tautology
- needless repitition
- antinomy
- contracting reasonable principles
- eschatology
- theology of last things
- apocryphal
- not authentic
- opprobrium
- disgrace
- luct
- struggle
- lect
- gather
- remonstrate
- plead in protest
- solipsism
- doctrine: only self exists
- ineluctable
- not escapable
- truculent
- fiercely savage
- recondite
- abstruse
- abrogate
- annul
- malefic
- causing harm
- intractable
- stubborn
- abjure
- renounce
- autochthonous
- native
- exegesis
- critical interpretation
- pro
- forward
- prolix
- tediously wordy
- apostasy
- desertion of principle
- sententious
- full of maxims
- syllogism
- three-part deduction
- anaphora
- repetition in successive phrases