Voc: Adverbial Phrases
undefined, object
copy deck
- about
- acerca de
over - sobre
- above all
- sobre todo
- again
- de nuevo
nearly - casi
right now - ya
even though - aunque
- all over the world
- por todo el mundo
- all of the time
- todo el tiempo
- and so what?
- y que?
- anyway
- de todos modos
more or less - alrededor de
- as soon as possible
lo mas pronto posible
cuantos antes - as always
- como siempre
- as soon as
- asi que
- as much ...as
- tanto....como
- at least
- al menos
- at the same time
- al mismo tiempo
on this side of - mas aca de
- beyond
- mas alla de
- both
- ambos or ambas
- by no means
- de ningun modo
- my means of
- mediante
come in
go ahead - adelante
everybody - todo el mundo
- everywhere
- por todos lados
- far away from
- lejos de
- for the first time
- por primera vez
- for the present
- por ahora
- from a distance
- de lejos
nevertheless - sin embargo
- i haven't the least idea
- no tengo ni la menor idea
- in one way or another
- de un modo u ortro
- in spite of
- a pesar de
- in the first place
- en primer lugar
- instead of
- en vez de
- it's true
- es cierto
- little by little
- poco a poco
- maybe/perhaps
- talvez
- maybe
- quizas
- meanwhile
- mientras tanto