Great Gatsby Vocab Sally
undefined, object
copy deck
- feign
- to represent fictitiously
- fracticious
- unruly
- supercilious
- haughty
- bumptious
- offensively assertive
- incredulous
- skeptical
- wan
- of an unnatural or sickly color
- complacent
- pleased with oneself to the point of laziness
- peremptory
- leaving no opportunity for denial or refusal
- contiguous
- touching, in contact, in close proximity
- defer
- to yield respectfully in judgement or opinion
- pastoral
- country-like, simple
- strident
- making or having a harsh sound. having a shrill or irritating character
- prodigal
- wastefully or recklessly extravagant
- erroneous
- untrue
- credulity
- willingness to believe or trust too readily
- spectroscopic
- radiating light and colors
- vacuous
- empty. lacking in ideas or intelligence. puirposeless
- florid
- redish, ruddy. ornate. showy
- corpulent
- large or bulky of body
- echolalia
- the immediate and involuntary repetition of words or phrases just spoken by others
- convival
- friendly, agreeable
- jaunty
- easy and sprightly
- malevolent
- showing ill-will, malicious
- tumultuous
- marked by disturbance and uproar. raising a great clatter and commotion, turbulent
- insolent
- boldly rude or direspectful.
- punctilious
- strictly attentive, precise, scrupulous
- disconcerting
- upsetting to one\'s self-possession
- somnambulatory
- in a sleepwalking state