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Developmental Milestones


undefined, object
copy deck
9 months
pull to sit - no head lag
4-7 months
pulls to stand
8-10 (9) months
stand without support/walks with support
12 months
walk backwards
13-17 months
walks without support
11-16 (15) months
lies prone, lifts chin intermittently
6 weeks
lies prone, extends arms forward
2 months
rolls over
5-6 months
head hold
2-3 months
sits without support
5-8 months
14-24 months
13-24 months
kick ball
2-3 years
20-36 months
hop on one foot
4 years
5 years
grasps rattle
2-4 months
reaches for objects
4-5 months
transfers objects hand to hand
5-6 months
thumb-finger grasp
8-9 months
pincer grasp, throws
12 months
12-18 months
3 block tower
12-18 months
6 block tower
2-3 years
turn pages, draw lines and circles, undresses
2-3 years
draws a face and square, uses scissors
4 yrs
copies triangle, prints name, ties laces
startled by noises
1 month
2-3 months
head turn to sound
4-6 months
4 months
6 months
mamma, dadda
6-12 (9) months
one word immitate
9-15 months
1-3 words imitate (single words)
12 months
1 step commands
12 months
6-50 words, dribble, follows simple commands
18 months
2-3 word phrases, 50% understandable
2 yrs
sentences, plurals, counts to 10, 75% understandable
3 yrs
tells story, 4 colours, past tense, entirely understandable, asks questions
4 yrs
fluent speech, future tense, alphabet
5 yrs
social smile
6 weeks
recognises parents
2 months
stranger anxiety
6-9 months
feeds self biscuit
5-7 months
uncovers toy (object permanence)
6-8 months
peek a boo, games, separation anxiety
9 months
waves bye bye
9-12 months
drinks with cup
12-18 months
15-18 months
interest in other kids
24 months
18-24 months
helps to dress
2 yrs
dress except for buttons, knows gender & age
3 yrs
Moro reflex
Elicit with sudden neck extension, allowing head to fall 3cm. Response is extension, adduction & then abduction of arms, with semi flexion. Present from birth to 3-6 months
Galant reflex
With child prone & suspended, stroke paravertebral area down back to sacrum. Response is truncal incurvature with concavity to stimulated side. Present birth to 2-6 months
Asymmetric tonic neck reflex (fencer)
Rotate the head laterally. Response is extension of limbs on chin side and flexion on occiput side. Present birth to 4-9 months.
Symmetric tonic neck reflex (cat)
Head extension/flexion in sitting position. Extension of arms & flexion of legs/flex of arms & ext of legs. Appears at 5 months, gone at 8-9. NOT present in most normal children
Tonic labyrinthine supine
On back, extend neck. Results in tonic extension of trunk and legs, shoulder retraction & adduction, usually elbow flexion. Present birth to 6-9 months
Tonic labyrinthine prone
On front, flexion of neck. Active flexion of trunk with protraction of shoulders. Present from birth to 6-9 months
Positive support reflex
In vertical suspension, bounce the hallucal areas on firm surface. In a neonate there will be momentary leg extension followed by flexion. Present birth to 2-3 months. After 6 months extension of legs and support of body weight

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