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Unit 3: Bioenergetics


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Aerobic vs Anaerobic
Aerobic uses oxygen. Anaerobic does not.
Alcoholic Fermentation
No oxygen + Pyruvic acid + NADH --> Alcohol + CO2 + NAD+. Produces 2 ATP.
ATP vs Glucose
ATP is good for short storage but not very stable, glucose is good for long term storage.
Calvin Cycle
Takes place in the stroma. Uses ATP, NADPH, CO2. Produces ADP, NADP+, Glucose.
Cellular Respiration
C6H12O6 + 6O2 --> 6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP. Produces 36-38 ATP.
Electron Transport Chain
In Mitochondrian Membrane: Produces ATP.
In Cytosplasm: Glucose + NAD+ --> 2 pyruvic acids + NADH
How does lactic acid relate to exercise?
If the body can't get enough oxygen, it starts using lactic acid fermentation. The burning in your muscles is the lactic acid building up.
Krebbs Cycle
In Mitochondria: Produces CO2, NADH, FADH2, and ATP.
Lactid Acid Fermentation
Does not need oxygen Pyruvic acid + NADH --> lactic acid + NAD+ Produces 2 ATP
Light Dependant Reactions
Take place in the thylakoid membrane. Use light, water, ADP and NADP+. Produce oxygen, ATP, NADPH.
6CO2+6H2O -light-> C6H12O6+6O2 An energy abosrbing reaction that takes place in the chloroplasts.
What is ATP and ADP?
Adenine Tri/Di Phosphate, compounds that cells use to store and release energy.

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