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Chapter 26 Terms + People to Know


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Stock on Margin
MARGIN (by now for only 10%, then when sold pay the additional 90%
Reconstruction Finance Corporation/ RFC
The ____ Loaned money to railroads, banks, and insurance companies to help them stay in business. By saving these businesses, Hoover hoped he would also be saving peoples' jobs.
The Brain Trust
a group of progressive lawyers, economists and social workers who advised President Roosevelt
TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority)
Built damns which blocked floods and provided cheap electricity to seven southern states; set up schools and health centers
The 100 days
Another name for the New Deal
AAA (Agriculture Adjustment Administration)
Paid farmers to grow certain crops (Subsidy- financial aid from the government)
Wagner Act (NCRA)
-Replaces NRA -Unions have the rights to secret ballots, collective bargaining + protected workers
Fair Labor + Standards Act
Set wages and hours
2nd AAA
Because there were bad farmlands, they give the farmers a guaranteed price on certain crops + crop insurance (ex: if windstorm destroys crops, farmer can claim insurance)
N.R.A. (National Recovery Administration)
Put an emblem on products whose companies followed _____ standards
Roosevelt declares a bank holiday, examines banks, prevents "run on the banks" (over withdrawal from banks)
Frances Perkens
Brain Trust, Secretary of labor, first female member of cabinet
Charles Conghlin
radio priest who criticized the banking system and blamed the banks for the depression
C.C.C. (Civilian Conservation Corporation)
Sends men 18-25 out of the city, to the West to build bridges, plant trees, work on flood control projects, and build parks
General Douglas MacArthur
Ordered by Hoover to to clear the veterans out of Potomac River. Using cavalry, tanks, machine guns, and tear gas, ___________ moved into the camp and burnt it to the ground.
F.E.R.A. (Federal Emergency Relief Act)
gave money to state + local agencies, to employ unemployed
projects built by the government for public use. The government hired workers to build schools, construct dams, and pave highways
FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)
Insures bank accounts up to $2500
Helped the needy
Henry Morgenthal
Brain Trust, Secretary of Treasury
Black Blizzards
a) 1933-1936- severe drought b) Good soil was blown away c) Cause- overgrazing of cattle no grass to hold soil d) Farmers could not grow their crops Oklahoma + Arkansas e) "Okies" (poor farmers from Oklahoma) + "Arkies" (poor farmers from Arkansas) moved to California, where the weather was good for farming f) They became MIGRANT WORKERS g) John Steinbeck- "Grapes of Wrath"
SEC (Security Exchange Commission)
To prevent another stock market crash
Gave food to needy
Social Security Act
1) At age 65 you can retire-> opens jobs for younger people 2) Disability insurance 3) Unemployment insurance
Huey Long
"Share the wealth"- make the rich pay higher taxes
Cordell Hull
Brain Trust, Secretary of state
P.W.A. (Public Works Administration)
Paid unemployed to build: dams, bridges. Tunnels, parks
N.I.R.A. (National Industrial Recovery Act)
Wrote codes/laws that business had to meet. Such as: Prices, working conditions, wages.
W.P.A. (Works Progress Administration)
Jobs in buildings, hospitals, schools, artists, and composers
The Bonus Army
Veterans of World War I had been promised a Bonus, so in 1932, more than 20,000 jobless veterans marched to Washington DC to demand their bonuses, they made a camp by Potomac River. In the end senate rejected the bill to pay the bonus immediately. Many Veterans went home, thousands of others stayed, vowing to stay until 1945 if necessary. Local police tried to force the veterans to leave. Battles with police left four people dead. Hoover than ordered General Douglas MacArthur to clear out the veterans. Using cavalry, tanks, machine guns, and tear gas, MacArthur moved into the camp and burnt it to the ground.
Franklin D. Roosevelt's program to end the depression. Divided into 3 parts-> "3Rs". Aim of the program to end the depression. Philosophy: Trial + error
Liberty League
said that Roosevelt's programs too socialistic, interfered in lives
Henry Ickes
Brain Trust, Secretary of Interior
Francis Townsend
"over 60 years old to get a pension of $200 per month"

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