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Meyers- Semester 1; Ideas


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hyper patriotism, desire for ones own country
ideology that relies on strength of armies to determine foreign policy
Court-Packing Scheme
FDR's attempt o justify Supreme Court, so New Deal wouldn't be overturned
political philosophy that government owns everything
buy now pay later concept
Quota System
severely cut immigration into US, S&E European immigrants kept out
political ideology where a country stays out of world affairs and focuses on itself
Rugged Individualism
Hoover's political ideology, said Direct Relief was wrong, "Pick yourselves up by the bootstraps..."
New Deal
FDR's domestic policy to get out of Great Depression, created jobs
Melting Pot
concept where cultures mixed and ideas shared as immigrants assimilated into US culture
18th amendment, buying/selling of alcohol was illegal
Platt Amendment
law which gave US right to intervene in Cuban affairs and establish a naval base
Deficit Spending
spending way out of recession, government spends more than it makes in taxes
growth of cities- outwards
Political Machine
pol. organization that ran governments at city and state (Tammany Hall)
right to vote, women received with 19th amendment
Social Gospel Movement
Christian idea that churches help the poor as much as they try to "save" them
risky investments in stocks in hopes of quick profit
Dollar Diplomacy
Taft's foreign policy, world banker, took over poor countries
Fireside Chats
radio speeches by FDR calmed US' anxiety during Great Depression
Margin Buying
buying stocks on loan and using profits to pay difference
Roosevelt Corollary
aka "Big Stick Diplomacy" TR's belief that US should be a world police man
Harlem Renaissance
growing Af-Am culture in 1920s, in NYC, introduced Jazz to America
Direct Relief
government aids people directly in time of crisis- FDR's ideology
hatred of immigrants
Great Migration
Af-Am's movement north after WW1
religious ideology that fought modernism, took Bible literally
extending control over an area outside borders
reform movement that aimed to improve morality, poverty, business, and government
Culture Shock
fear experienced by new immigrants upon arrival to US
preserving natural resources and environment, TR was a big advocate of this
Yellow Journalism
exaggerated stories in newspapers designed to grab attention
Red Scare
1920s hysteria, US afraid of radicals taking over government
Organized Crime
concept that gained numbers when Prohibition was made law (Mafia)
system of defenses, pact which involves fighting with a country
concept where 1 country "watches over" another
forced acception of "American" culture- nativist idea
Trench Warfare
WW1 style of fighting, horrible conditions
separation of races, Jim Crow Laws

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