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World Cultures Russia Part 1


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the adoption of Western Ideas, customs, technology, philosophy, etc.
Peter the Great
The most successful Czar. He ruled together with his brother Ivan. He traveled the world studying from advanced countries
Enviromental Reigon with very infertile land. Defined by coniferous trees.
Teutonic Knights
12th century Polish threat to Russia. They came from the West and tried to take over Russia
The capitol city of Russia after kiev ~~important city~~
Ivan the Great
1480 Stops paying tribute to the Mongols
These people were the lowest of the low, and were tied to the land.
Ground is frozen solid year round.
Vladimir I
980 AD Successor of Rurik, went to Constantinople and met with the emperor. He got land for converting Russia to Christianity
Boris Gudnov
This person created Russian Serfdism, which is like Ottoman Fundamentalism.
Kiev and Novgorod
500 AD these cities were key. They had many Slavic roots.
Lake Baikal
Lake in South-East Russia.
Golden Horde
Mongols, 12 century threat to Russia. Very brutal. Came in from the East. They forced Russia to pay tribute.
Cold, tundra reigon in the northern part of Russia
Farmable land in Russia
First king of Russia, came form the varingians so Novgorod and Kiev wouldn't fight,
Ural Mountains
Mountains in South-East Russia that divide the Euorpean portion of Russia from the Asian portion
Ivan the Terrible
This Czar killed off the nobility so he wouldn't have to share his power. He created the Oprichnina.
the last royal family
Michael Romanov
the first of the romanovs.
secret police under Ivan the Terrible
St Petersburg
Capitol city created by Peter the Great to resemble a French city. It was built on land taken from Sweeden
Enviromental reigon found all along northern Russia. It's defined by permafrost
Rurik's nickname that came to the land being called Russia.
The Great Schism
1054 AD Christianity split into two parts: Orthodox Christianity and Chatholic Christianity
Ancient cultures from around 500 AD that came to Northern Russia. Many lived in Novgorod and Kiev
Russian nobility (land owners) They helped czars rule
Russian Orthodoxy
The branch of Christianity Russia adopted after the Great Schism
Polar Climate
a very cold climate with permafrost.

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