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- steppe
- flat, hot and dry. limited rainfall but soil is fairly fertile. high population density (most valuable)
- Ivan III
- the great. refused to pay tribute to the Mongols. Mongols were shrinking their empire anyway so they left without a fight.
- SDs
- social Democratic party. very violent/revolutionary promoted marxist socialism. founder - Gregory plekhanov (mentored lenin)
- SRs
- social revolution party. constitutional. used persuasion. promoted agrarian socialism. leader: victor chernov.
- Battle of Peipus lake
- Rus defeats Germans
- Vladimir I
- expanded south bringing Russia into the Byzantine empire. Vladimir goes to constantinople, meets with emperor and makes deal (988 CE) that Russia gets land, Vladimir can have the emperor's sister if russia becomes Christian orthodox.
- collectivization
- privately owned land under Lenin was taken over by the Kolkhoz or sovkhoz (communes) everyone worked/lived together equally. opposition from peasants was fierce, destruction of land and food.
- vietnam war
- (1963-1973) 58,000 Americans dead. US lost. North Vietnam (USSR) vs. South Vietnam (US) Johnson went it, Nixon got out.
- Warsaw pact
- (1955) alliance of Eastern nations, countries could choose to join NATO, were forced to join Warsaw pact.
- zemstovs
- village communes. new legal system is created by Alexander II, local government put in place.
- Yuri Andropov
- (1982-1984) old head of KGB. died.
- comintern
- communist international. tried to spread communist beliefs throughout the world. stalin didnt support. (believed national before international.
- war communism
- introduced with bolshevik rule. land is seized and distributed equally to everyone. church property is granted to state, factories given to workers, banks nationalized, religion is illegal, considered unloyal to Russia.
- Stalin
- 1st totalitarian leader (after lenin) led USSR 1927-1953 (died) won over trotsky (lenin's chosen successor) was a drunk, tough and uneducated. centralized government and economy. five year plans introduced. Russia prospered but its people suffered. heavy industry increased, merchandise decreased.
- Tundra
- polar climate, has permafrost, population density very low. very little vegetation.
- July 1918
- czar and family executed for no known reason
- nikita kruschev
- (1956-1964) introduced destalinization
- George Kennan
- (1947) Truman's foreign policy advisor
- union of soviet socialist republics
- Dimitry Medvedev
- elected as new president march 2008
- comecon
- (1949) USSR offered countries money to join east (must become communist/autocratic)
- Treaty of Brest Litovsk
- signed March 1918 removing Russia from WWI. give up poland, ukraine, Baltic states and Finland to Germany but get it back after the war.
- Alexander III/Nicholas II
- Alexander III (led 1881-1894) and Nicholas II (led 1894-1917) end of liberal reforms and return to true autocracy. secret police used more, persecution of minorites. industrialization continues.
- Boris Yeltsin
- (backed by military and the people) supports the return of Gorbachev. coup collapses. hardliners arrested. communist part is disgraced. 1991 USSR ceases to exist. 15 independent republics emerge. leads 1992-2000. friends with Gorbachev during 1991 coup but after first russian election replaced him as new leader. democratic, capitalist, drunk. was corrupt. chosen successor: putin.
- trotsky
- leader of red army. military genius. trotsky was lenins chosen successor.
- satellites
- eastern european states controled by USSR
- Vladimir Putin
- (2000-2008) former KGB officer. supported US anti-terrorist activity after 2001. objected (with france and germany) to the occupation of Iraq. became prime minister, march 2008
- 500 CE slavic russia
- northwestern region. made up of ukrainians, poles, czechs, slaviks, serbians, belorussians, croations, sloveries, maravians, etc. major cities: kiev/navgorod
- Battle of Borodino
- napoleonic wars. russia "wins". france wants moscow so Russians burn down city. Napoleon's army forced to retreat. 700,000 die.
- civil war of 1918
- lasts until 1921. whites (SRs, mensheviks, czarists, foreign nations) vs. reds (Bolsheviks)
- Poland
- (1981) Poland wants to leave eastern block. USSR doesnt invade.
- commonwealth of independent states. 12 out of 15 join (lithuania, latvia and estonia dont) largest/most dominant member: Russia. capital: minsk (beloruss) common policies regarding economics, foreign relations, defense, immigration, etc. difficultues apparent in defense. (who controls what former soviet weaponry and economics)
- Stolypin
- replaced witte (1991) as financial advisor, imposed extremely suppresive measures to stop revolution (stolypin's necktie)
- dramatic agrarian reforms
- frees farmers of financial obligations. they no longer have to pay mortgages.
- new world order
- pre WWII superpowers = Britain, France, & Germany. post WWII, super powers = USSR and US
- state security apparatus (secret police)
- decembrist revolt
- rebel serfs attempt to assassinate Nicholas I but fail and are killed. Nicholas oppresses serfs more.
- Alexander I
- in power during napoleon's invasion of Russia. was popular in beginning, made reforms and won war (pyrrhic victory). later unpopular, russian soldiers are forved to return home back into serfdom. were suppressed.
- Provisional Government
- temporary government that is established after Ncholas II abdicates on March 3rd, 1917. government is made up of Menshviks, Bolsheviks and SRs. Russian people wanted peace but government committed to stay in the war so as not to appear weak. people's opposition increased. provisional government ended Nov 3rd.
- detente
- (1972-1980) post containment. US will take cooperative approach to relations with other countries.
- October 1905
- St. Petersburg is taken over by worker groups (soviets) causing czar to flee. national strikes.
- five years plans
- industrializing russia. most of the country was agricultural but people were forced to work in factories in cities. everything was controled tightly by GOSPLAN. food shortages.
- starwars
- (1983) US missile defense (abandoned 1988) rumor of US satellite sent to space, shoots at predetermined targets.
- napoleon bonaparte
- leader of france (1799-1815) was very ambitious, and wanted to occupy all of europe. defeated Russia in 1806 and made treaty with them, but reinvaded in 1812 and was forced to retreat.
- Northern war
- Russia defeats sweden and begins to move against poland. (1700-1721) Russia gets St. Petersburg area from Sweden which was a major european power, makes St. Peterburg capital because it was a western city.
- Peter I
- the great. was youngest of Feodore III's 3 sons. ruled jointly with Ivan V (rightful czar/oldest son) until Ivan died in 1696. went to europe and learned lots. wanted to westernize/modernize russia and make it a great european power.Russia gets better and the people have higher education. creates modern army and first navy. brings generals from west to teach armies.
- Catherin II
- the great. married Peter III into Romanov family. killed husband in 1762 and gained power. she had knowledge/education and compassion and wished to help others. left government to individuals who were usually her boyfriends. expands russia particularly in west and south. westernized russia especially literature, philosophy and art. liked the french alot. died 1796. son, Paul, ruled until 1801 (assassinated).
- eastern europe 1989
- satellites want same rights as USSR. they get them but then want freedom. Gorbachev must choose to either break up the eastern block or prepare for rebellion. he gives freedom to the satellites.
- Korean war
- (1950-1953) North Korea (& USSR supplies) vs. South Korea (& NATO). North Korea invades South Korea. NATO steps in. US wins. 38,000 soldiers dead.
- Ivan IV
- the terrible. responsible for deaths 50,000 people including his own son. killed Boyars to make himself dictator, chose new loyal nobels.
- Space Race
- USSR was 1st to put satellite in orbit. Gagarin (1st human in space: USSR) Apollo II (1st human on moon: US)
- cold war
- (1947-1989) struggle between USSR (east) and US (west). rivalry between 2 nations ideologies (US - capitalism and democracy/USSR - autocracy and communism) war never fought directly/militarily.
- Greek civil war
- (1945) greek communists in mountains vs. all other democrats.
- Bukharin
- editor of communist propoganda magasine called pravda
- (1949) North American treaty organization. military alliance of midwest to contain USSR military.
- virgin's land campaign
- fertilized bad land to make it useful and hired farmers to run it.
- bloody sunday
- January 9th, 1905. SRs organized a peaceful demonstration outside czar's palace but Czar sends army and they shoot into croud killing 600 people. after bloody sunday there were continued student protests, urban unrest (strikes), peasant revolts and sailor mutinies.
- Mikhail Gorbachev
- (1985-1991) youngest Soviet leader since stalin. won nobel peace prize (1990) communist but receeded. allowed Berlin wall to fall. introduced demokratizatzia, glasnost, and perestroika.
- non-aggression pact
- between Germany and Russia. (WWII) stalled time so Russia could increase its military and heavy industry before Hitler invaded. Poland is divided between as a sign of friendship (1939)
- great purges
- (1936-1938) started after assassination of Stalin's friend, was scared he'd be killed. Stalin killed "random" people who he found threatening in some way, especially in government (his friends).
- Leonid Berzhnev
- (1964-1982) between Stalin and Kruschev. tank commander during WWII. most medals ever or something. brings back gulags. heavy industry and military go up, consumer goods go down. reissued censorship.
- Times of troubles
- unstable times 6 czars (between Godunov and Romanov)
- crimean war
- britain, france and ottoman empire vs russia. russia loses and begins to make changes. battle of Balaklava. Russia loses again
- agrarian socialism
- taking land from the rich and giving it to the poor. (robin hood!)
- Kruschev post destalinization
- popular with soviet people. communist party upset because Kruschev took power away from party and stepped down during cuabn missile crisis (1964) party asks Kruschev to retire, he does.
- (1914-1918) Europe is divided into 2 teams. 1 team is Britain, France, USSR, and Italy. the other is Germany, Austria and the Ottoman Empire. Russia enters war so it's not left out (1914-1917) they win one battle against Germany and lose the rest. 8 million military deaths. all resources go to army (food, metal) causing famine and poverty (economic defeat) soldiers begin to desert to help out their families.
- streltsy
- Moscow's aritocracy - business men, government officials, etc. are opposed to westernization so compete with Peter. Peter doesnt want to compete, kills whole streltsy in 1698.
- glasnost
- openness. lifting some censorship. (people should have right to say/do what they want)
- Alexander II
- commitment to expansion. especially south and east. and committed to reform russia after the embarrasment of the crimean war. freed serfs to protect himself from revolt and to further industrialization. military reforms to improve quality and morale in army, opposition emerges and is assassinated in 1881.
- georgi malenkov
- (1953-1956) "wall flower" USSR progress slows
- czechoslavakia
- (1968) wants to leave eastern block. USSR invades.
- demokratizatzia
- democracy. provides elections for local governments.
- Bolsheviks to power
- November 3-5, 1917. bolsheviks seize power in St. Petersburg, Lenin comes to power, arrest former leaders of provisional governments.
- gulag
- siberian work camps. about 50 million deaths.
- Russo-Japanese war
- czar wants to have a war to restore patriatism so people forget about poverty and Lenin. Russia loses.
- people's will
- populist group that believed in agrarian socialism
- Michael Romanov
- beginning of Romanov dynasty which lasted until 1917 was weak and chosen by aristocrats. related to Ivan IV, bad.
- serfs
- slaves to the land
- Berlin Wall
- (1961) wall built around West berlin to prevent people from moving from East to west. 25 ft tall, 300 yds thick with grenades between.
- land and freedom
- populist group that was marxist
- new economic policy. lenin takes step backwards for fear of large rebellion/revoltuion. encourages limited private enterprises (only banks/transportation/heavy industry stay in control of government) schooling and healthcare are improved. agricultural communes allowed to sell a % of their products privately. causing improved harvests and the return of stability to the USSR.
- napoleonic wars
- france vs. everyone else (Britain, Russia, Prussia, Austria etc.) 15 years.
- Taiga
- not polar but still cold and dry, evergreen trees, no farming, sparsely populated, industry and forestry.
- Nicholas I
- youngest of 3 siblings. persecuted non-orthodox christian's and expanded more.
- Marshall Plan
- (1947) US offered countries money to join the west (must become capitalist/democratic) was more successful than comecon.
- enlightened absolutist
- absolute power/dictator and educated
- Lenin
- was born middle class and college educated. real name: Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov. changed it after his brother was executed for an attempt assassination of Alexander III in 1887. Lenin then fled Russia and lived in Switzerland 1900-1917 b/c of freedom (especially press) and to escape brother's history. learned about marxism from Plekhanov. Edited Iskru (propaganda magazine) wrote in 1902 "what is to be done?" referring to Leninism. Led October Revolution in 1917 which overthrew czar and brought Lenin into power until 1924 when he died of stroke (Russia to USSR)
- Boris Godunov
- introduced serfdom/feudalism.
- teutonic knights
- German catholic. crusaders go into Rus to try and convert the orthodox christians.
- Ronald Raegan
- becomes president (1980) doesnt like detente.
- October Manifesto
- by Nicholas II & Witte. promises from czar to people. grants concessions to make people happy.
- forest
- deciduous trees, a little warmer, limited farming, moderate population density (moist and fertile)
- strategic arms limitation talks. 3 talks. limit nuclear weaponsry.
- cheka
- bolshevik secret police
- 500 CE "asian" russia
- southwestern regaion made up of alans and scythians. were defeated by the hun, goths and maggais from the south. alans and scythians completely destroyed.
- Bolsheviks
- majority of SDs after splits in 1903. led by Lenin.
- Konstantin Chernerko
- (1984-1985) died.
- middle class
- emerges from industrial revolution. supports working man. is educated working class.
- foreign police force, made by Kruschev. used by Brezhnev.
- iron curtain
- dividing line between soviet territory (satellites) and western territory post WWII
- mutually assured destruction. both sides will be destroyed.
- destalinization
- denounced Stalin's bad policies. 5 year plans stay. Gulags closed, censorship lifted, heavy industry down, consumer goods up, homes built.
- desert
- arid, extreme temperatures, no population density
- Duma
- Russian parliament created from October Manifesto. had varying degrees of power, czar could get rid of them. four differnt dumas from 1906-1917.
- opposition to Gorbachev
- 1) communist party wants less reforms and democracy. 2) people want more reforms and freedom.
- Causes of 1905 Revolution
- defeat of Russia in Russo-Japanese war. which worsened the large amount of poverty and economic distress in the cities and countryside. there was also growth of legal (democratic) and extra-legal (revolutionary) opposition. czarist government = no change.
- rurik
- new viking leader of Russia. he is a varrigian (pure bred) in slavis is rus. hence russia.
- oprichnina
- Ivan IV's secret police/private army who killed the boyars.
- division of Germany
- germany split in 2. Berlin also split in 2. (west and east) west berlin is surrounded by East Germany.
- cuban missile crisis
- (1961-1962) US (through satellite pictures) dins nuclear weapons in cuba facing US and ship with nuclear weapons headed from USSR to cuba. Kennedy threatens to start war, Kruschev retreats.
- 862 CE slavic russia
- period of strife in slavic states, chose to unite with one another (russia) got new leader.
- iran hostage crisis
- (1980) 53 US ambassadors held for 444 days in Tehran (measure of US patriotism. they do try to free the hostages.
- Great Schism
- seperation between christians that follow the pope and christians that folloe the patriarch. starts Russian orthodoxy (who follow the patriarch)
- Mensheviks
- minority of SDs after split in 1903. led by Martov and is democratic.
- emancipation edict
- serfs are freed. factory workers are needed, serfs woul work harder is they were working for themselves. little/no success because land was expensive/high taxes. serfs dont know how to live in cities, fall into poverty along with former serf owners.
- Rasputin
- was a "faith healer" who led a cult. he didnt bath and had lots of sex. in 1905 he came to St. Petersburg and "healed" Nicholas II's son, Alexi, who had hemophelia. had affair with czar's wife and she gets him position of duke and of other important figures. the people whose jobs he took are mad, eventually kill him.
- German Invasion
- Germany invades USSR after fighting western Europe. USSR wins pyrrhic vistory. 20 million russians dead. steppe destroyed.
- department of the government that decides where everyone will live, work, etc. closely documented all aspects of the five year plans.
- perestroika
- name for reforms. refers mainly to economic restructuring. some private enterprises. people work for profit.
- Boyars
- Russian aristocracy who make money from owning land. is the "boss" of the czars (serfdom)
- August 1991 coup
- Gorbachev "arrested"/held hostage by soviet hardliners who seize power. held for 3 days.
- Aleksander Kerensky
- June-October 1917
- kronstadt rebellion
- 1921. naval mutiny in port. men wanted food. Lenin realized he had to follow through on the promises he made to the people during civil was (food/supplies)
- Mongols/Golden Horde
- really big empire founded in mongolia in 1100s. brutl empire. forced Rus to pay tribute to Mongols until 1480 CE.
- Muscovy
- becomes capital of Russia during 15th century (area near moscow) where czars lived, was christian.
- containment
- american policy explaining how US will fight the cold war. contain communism within its original countries. will act if USSR expands.
- Prince L'vov
- March-June 1917
- afghanistan
- USSR invades (1976) "soviet vietnam" until 1989. US tries to persuade USSR to leave, led by Jimmy Carter.
- Hungary
- (1956) doesnt want to be part eastern Block, USSR invades.
- Atomic weapons
- USA and USSR create atomic weaponry (compete for equal amounts so neither will drop "the bomb") USA (1945-1952) USSR (1949-1953)
- Berlin Airlift
- (1948-1949) USSR blocks transportation to/from west berlin. US flies in supplies 24 hours a day for 11 months. shows US commitment to containment.
- February 1917
- Anti-war/Anti-czar revoltuion. violence increases to countrywide rebellion. Thousands of soldiers desert.