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Pharmacy Technician

Third Edition Of Pharmacology For Technicians, by Don A. Ballington and Mary M. Laughlin


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Acetycholine (ACh)
A neurotransmitter that binds to ACh receptors on the membranes of muslce cells, beginning a process that ultimately results in muscle contraction
Any variation from the normal heartbeat
B cells
anitbody- producting lymphocytes that are involved in humoral immunity
Allergic Disease
Diseases caused by and allergic reaction
Drugs that bind to a receptor site and block the action of the endogenous messenger or other drugs; used to reverse benzodiazepine or narcotic overdose
A state of uneasiness characterized by apprehension and worry about possible events
Active Immunity
Protection against disease that occurs as a result of coming into contact with an infection agent or an inactivated part of such an agent administered by a vaccine
A material used in treatment of poisoning by animal venom
Drug that bind to a particular receptor site and trigger the cell's response in a manner similar to the action of the body's own chemical messenger
Early pharmacists and/ or their shops
A substance that inhibits the growth of microorganisms without killing them
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
Abnormal enlargement of the prostate gland, usually associated with aging
A blood pH above 7.45; a metabolic condition due to excessive loss of potassium or chloride
A class of drugs that reduce the risk of clot formation by inhibiting platelet aggregation
A subjective sensation or motor phenomenon that precedes and marks the onset of a migraine headache
Beta-1 receptors
Nerve receptors on the heart that control the rate and strength of the heartbeat
The strength by which a particular chemical messenger binds to its receptor site on a cell
Alternative Medicine
The use of herbs, supplements, and hemeopathic remedies for medicinal purposes
Beta blocker
A Class II antiarrhythmic drug that competitively blocks response to beta stimulation, which results in decreases in heart rate, myocardial contractility, blood pressure, and myocardial oxygen demand; used to treat arrhythmias, MIs, and angina
Beta-2 receptors
Nerve receptors that control the smooth muscle of the airway
Addison's Disease
A life-threatening deficiency of glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids that is treated with the daily administration of corticosteroids
A class of antibiotics that inhibit bacterial protein synthesis by binding to ribosomal subunits; commonly used to treat serious infections
A class of drugs that prevent clot formation by affecting clotting factors
A long-acting class of local anesthetics that are metabolized by liver enzymes
Attention- deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
A neurological disorder characterized by hyperactivity, impulsivity, and distractibility
A drug that potentiates the action of acetylcholine by inhibiting the enzyme acetylcholinesterase
A state of heightenend sensitivity as a result of exposure to a particular substance
A chemical substance with the ability to kill or inhibit the growth of organisms by interfering with bacteria life process
Agents that prevent virus replication in a host cell without interfering with the host's normal function
Anaphylactic reaction
A severe allergic response resulting in immediate life-threatening respiratory distress, usually followed by vascular collapse and shock and accompanied by hives
Basal nuclei
Symmetric, subcortical masses of gray matter embedded in the lower portions of the cerebral hemisphere; part of the extra-pyramidal system; also called basal ganglia
Acne Vulgaris
An inflammation of the skin, usually on the face and neck, that is caused by increased activity of the sebaceous glands and puberty
Joint inflammation; persistent pain due to functional problems of the joins
A/B rated
A system that compares the equivalency if be drug to that of another, especially brand to generic
An exaggerated reaction to a foreign substance that results in severe shock with breathing difficulty and circulatory failure
Fever reducing
The degree to which a drug or other substances becomes available to the target tissue after administration
A dependence characterized by a perceived need to take a drug to attain the psychological and physical affect of mood-altering substances
Drugs that limit the progression of HIV
Needs oxygen to survive
Alpha Receptors
Nerve receptors that control vasaoconstriction, pupil dilation, and relaxation of the GI smooth muscle
The process whereby a drug enters the circularity system
Small, single-celled microorganisms that exist in the three main forms: spherical (i.e., cocci), rod shaped (i.e., bacilli), and spiral (i.e., spirilla)
Biologic- response modifiers
Agents that alter the expression and response to surface antigens and enhance immune cell activities in ways that promote destruction of human malignancies
The formation of new blood vessels
Peptides that are capable under appropriate conditions of inducing a specific immune response
Drugs that are used to treat schizophrenia; reduce symptoms of hallucinations, delusions, and thought disorders; also called neuroleptics
Antirejection drugs
Medications that prevent the body from rejecting foreign solid organ transplants
Apocrine glands
Sweat glands found in the axillary, perineal, and genital regions
Loss of appetite
Actinic Keratosis
A scaly skin lesion that is caused by too much sun and can lead to skin cancer
Aqueous humor
The liquid in the front portion of the eye
Acute Viral Infection
An infection that quickly resolves with no latent infection
Afferent System
The nerves that sense organs that bring information to the CNS; part of the peripheral nervous system
A blood pH below 7.35; a metabolic condition due to excessive loss of bicarbonate or sodium
Hormones produced in males in the testes and in females in the ovaries
The accumulation of fluids in the abdominal organs and the lower extremities
Attention-deficit disorder (ADD)
A neurologic disorder characterized by impulsivity and distractibility but with less hyperactivity than attention- deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Alzheimer's Diseases
A degenerative disorder of the brain that leads to progessive dementia and changes in personality and behavior
Drugs that block or suppress the act of coughing
Bactericidal agent
An agent that kills the invading organism
Survives in the absence of oxygen
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
A degenerative disease of the nerves; also called Lou Gehrig's Disease
Atonic seizure
A type of generalized seizure characterized by sudden loss of both muscle tone and consciousness
Absence seizure
A type of generalized seizure characterized by a sudden, momentary break in consciousness; also called petit mal seizure
Pain relieving
A reversible lung disease with intermittent attacks in which inspirations is obstructed; provoked by airborne allergies
Drugs that inhibit impulses that cause vomiting from going to the stomach
Common term for drugs that block the H1 receptors
Allergic Response
An instance in which the immune system overreacts to an otherwise harmless substance
Arterial impedance, or the force against which cardiac muscle shorten; along with preload and contractility, determines cardiac output
Anabolic Treatment
Muscle building
Inhalation of fluids from the mouth and throat
Angina Pectoris
Spasmodic or suffocating chest pain caused by an imbalance between oxygen supply and oxygen demand
Autonomic nervous system (ANS)
The part of the efferent system of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) that regulates activities of body structures not under voluntary contorl
Atopic eczema
A chronic pruritic eruption of unknown etiology, although allergic, herdittary, and psychogenic factors may be involve; also called atopic dermattitis

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